Cubical vs. Cubicle: What's the Difference?

While cubical and cubicle may sound similar, they have distinct meanings and usage in English. Cubical refers to the shape of a cube or something that is roughly cube-shaped. It is an adjective used to describe objects with three equal dimensions. Conversely, cubicle denotes a small, enclosed office space, typically separated from similar spaces by partitions. It is a noun used in the context of office floor plans or layout designs.

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Cubical vs. Cubicle

How do you use the word cubical in a sentence?

Use cubical when you need to describe an object or volume that is similar to a cube. It's perfect for mathematical contexts or when emphasizing the geometric properties of an object. Remember, cubical is an adjective and should be used to modify nouns.
Examples of cubical in a sentence
  • She stored the collection in a cubical box for safekeeping.
  • The children played with a cubical puzzle that tested their spatial reasoning.
  • The modern art sculpture consisted of several cubical shapes stacked upon each other.

How do you use the word cubicle in a sentence?

The word cubicle is typically used in relation to small, compartmentalized workspaces within an office setting. If you're describing an individual's workplace that's enclosed by partitions, cubicle is the appropriate term. It should not be confused with the adjective 'cubical.'
Examples of cubicle in a sentence
  • He customized his cubicle with personal photos and a small plant.
  • Privacy is limited when you work in an open-plan office with numerous cubicles.
  • The new layout for the call center features an array of soundproof cubicles.

Cubical and cubicle definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Cubical definition:
Cubical is an adjective that describes a shape or object resembling a cube, characterized by being equal in length, width, and height.

Cubical parts of speech:
  • As an adjective: The artist was fascinated with cubical forms.

Cubical pronunciation:
Cubical is pronounced as /ˈkyo͞obikəl/.

Cubicle definition:
Cubicle is a noun that denotes a small, enclosed area or compartment, especially one used as a workspace in an office.

Cubicle parts of speech:
  • As a noun: She decorated her cubicle with colorful artwork.

Cubicle pronunciation:
Cubicle is pronounced as /ˈkyo͞obikəl/.

Cubical vs. Cubicle in a nutshell

To summarize, cubical is an adjective used to describe objects that resemble the shape of a cube, whereas cubicle is a noun for a small, partitioned work area within an office space. Remembering the specific contexts where these terms are used will help you choose the right one: cubical for shapes and sizes, and cubicle for office compartments. Despite their similar pronunciation, their applications are quite distinct.

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