Defused vs. Diffused: What's the Difference?

The words defused and diffused carry distinct meanings and are used in different contexts. Defused generally means to make a situation less tense or dangerous, often by removing a threat, such as disarming a bomb. On the other hand, diffused refers to something that is spread out or scattered, often used to describe light, particles, or information being spread over a wide area.

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Defused vs. Diffused

How do you use the word defused in a sentence?

Use defused when you want to describe the action of making a dangerous or tense situation safer. It's often related to neutralizing threats or reducing conflict. Defused can also figuratively describe reducing the intensity or impact of a figurative 'explosive' situation, such as an argument.
Examples of defused in a sentence
  • The quick response team defused the bomb before it could cause any damage.
  • He defused the tension in the room with a well-timed joke.
  • By listening calmly, the negotiator defused the standoff peacefully.

How do you use the word diffused in a sentence?

Use diffused when referring to something that's spread out over a large area or when something is dispersed. This term often applies to light that has been softened or spread, preventing harsh shadows, and it can also refer to gases, liquids, or even ideas that are distributed widely.
Examples of diffused in a sentence
  • The sunlight was beautifully diffused through the stained glass windows.
  • A diffused scent of lavender filled the room from the open window.
  • The report on climate change was diffused across all social media platforms.

Defused and diffused definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Defused definition:
Defused is a verb that means to remove the fuse from an explosive device, thereby making it harmless or to reduce the danger or tension in a situation.

Defused parts of speech:
  • As a verb, defused is used to describe the action of making something less dangerous: 'The diplomat defused the crisis with skilled negotiations.'

Defused pronunciation:
Defused is pronounced as /dɪˈfjuzd/.

Diffused definition:
Diffused is an adjective describing something that has been spread out or scattered, and a verb describing the action of spreading or scattering something over a wide area.

Diffused parts of speech:
  • As an adjective, diffused describes something that is widely spread out: 'The diffused lighting in the room created a cozy atmosphere.'
  • As a verb, diffused describes the action of scattering: 'The fan diffused the cool air throughout the room.'

Diffused pronunciation:
Diffused is pronounced as /dɪˈfjuzd/.

Defused vs. diffused in a nutshell

Defused and diffused are not only spelled differently but also have different meanings and uses. Defused typically pertains to the de-escalation of hazardous situations or conflicts, relating to both literal and metaphorical scenarios. Diffused, however, involves a spreading or dispersal process, whether it's light, smells, or information. While their pronunciations are quite similar, the contexts in which they are applied are distinctly separate, highlighting the importance of understanding their respective definitions to ensure proper usage.

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