Depreciate vs. Deprecate: What's the Difference?

The words depreciate and deprecate are often confused due to their similarity in sound, but they have distinct meanings. Depreciate refers to a decrease in the value of an asset over time, commonly used in finance and accounting. Deprecate, on the other hand, signifies disapproval or to make something obsolete, especially in the context of software or technology.

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Depreciate vs. Deprecate

How do you use the word depreciate in a sentence?

Depreciate is primarily used in financial and accounting discussions when talking about asset value reduction over time. The term is applicable in scenarios such as tax deductions, resale value of goods, and accounting reports to indicate loss of worth.
Examples of depreciate in a sentence
  • The car depreciated in value significantly after the first year of purchase.
  • Businesses often depreciate their assets over a set period to account for wear and tear.
  • Smartphones tend to depreciate faster due to the constant introduction of newer models.

How do you use the word deprecate in a sentence?

Deprecate is often used in a software context to indicate that a feature or practice should no longer be used, typically because it has been replaced with a more current or secure alternative. It can also be used more broadly to express disapproval of a particular action or behavior.
Examples of deprecate in a sentence
  • The developers deprecated the old authentication method in favor of a more secure system.
  • She deprecated the use of plastic straws because of the environmental impact.
  • The new software update will deprecate several outdated plug-ins.

Depreciate and deprecate definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Depreciate definition:
To depreciate means to diminish in value over a period of time, often due to usage and aging.

Depreciate parts of speech:
  • As a verb: The CPA explained how we could depreciate our new equipment for tax purposes.
  • As an adjective (less common): The depreciate assets were written off the budget report.

Depreciate pronunciation:
Depreciate is pronounced as /dɪˈpriːʃieɪt/.

Deprecate definition:
To deprecate means to express strong disapproval or to belittle, or in a technical sense, to mark something such as a software feature as outdated or recommend against its use.

Deprecate parts of speech:
  • As a verb: Some authors deprecate the practice of using clichés in writing.
  • As an adjective (less common): His deprecate remarks about the performance angered many.

Deprecate pronunciation:
Deprecate is pronounced as /ˈdeprɪkeɪt/.

Depreciate vs. deprecate in a nutshell

While depreciate and deprecate may sound similar, their meanings are not interchangeable. Depreciate is to lower in value, often related to physical assets and financial situations. Deprecate implies disapproval or obsolescence, predominantly used in social contexts and tech-related discussions. Understanding the distinct usage of each term enables clear and effective communication in their respective fields.

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