Device vs. Devise: What's the Difference?

The words device and devise share similar spelling but have distinct meanings. A device is usually a piece of equipment or a tool created for a particular purpose, often mechanical or electronic in nature. On the other hand, to devise means to plan or invent a complex procedure, system, or mechanism through careful thought.

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Device vs. Devise

How do you use the word device in a sentence?

The word device is typically used when referring to a tool or instrument designed for a specific function, especially one involving technological complexity. It could denote anything from a simple kitchen gadget to a sophisticated medical apparatus. Its usage highlights the tangible aspect of the item being discussed.
Examples of device in a sentence
  • She relied on a navigational device to find her way through the unfamiliar city.
  • The engineer is known for developing a device that simplifies water purification.
  • Detectives used a listening device during the stakeout to gather evidence.

How do you use the word devise in a sentence?

The verb devise is commonly applied when someone is coming up with a plan or an intricate idea, particularly involving strategic thinking or creativity. It conveys the process of designing or thinking up something, rather than the object created. This word often appears in contexts where intellectual effort is at play.
Examples of devise in a sentence
  • The committee will need to devise a thorough plan for the upcoming event.
  • Scientists are attempting to devise a new method to recycle plastics more efficiently.
  • He devised a clever scheme to solve the puzzle within minutes.

Device and devise definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Device definition:
A device is a noun referring to a piece of equipment or a tool made for a particular use, especially one of a mechanical or electronic nature.

Device parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The scientist invented a device that could detect seismic activity.

Device pronunciation:
Device is pronounced as /dɪˈvaɪs/.

Devise definition:
To devise is a verb meaning to plan or invent a complex procedure, system, or mechanism by careful thought.

Devise parts of speech:
  • As a verb: The author devised an intricate plot for his next novel.

Devise pronunciation:
Devise is pronounced as /dɪˈvaɪz/.

Device vs. devise in a nutshell

Though similar in spelling, device and devise serve different functions in language. Device, a noun, denotes a physical tool or equipment, often with a specific function or technological element. In contrast, devise, a verb, refers to the action of planning or creating something complex through careful thought. The former is about the object itself, while the latter focuses on the process of conceptualizing or inventing.

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