Dew vs. Due: What's the Difference?

The words dew and due are homophones, meaning they sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. Dew refers to the small drops of water that form on cool surfaces at night, resulting from condensation. On the other hand, due is most commonly used to indicate something owed or expected, whether it's a payment or an outcome.

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Dew vs. Due

How do you use the word dew in a sentence?

The word dew is typically used to describe the moisture that collects on grass and other objects in the morning or evening. It is often associated with freshness and the early hours of the day. When talking about weather, gardening, or describing a scenic landscape, dew is the word that is relevant.
Examples of dew in a sentence
  • The morning dew glistened on the spider's web, making it look like a string of pearls.
  • She walked barefoot on the grass, feeling the cool dew between her toes.
  • As the sun rose, the dew began to evaporate, leaving the air fresh and clean.

How do you use the word due in a sentence?

The word due is used to indicate that something is owed or expected. It often refers to a deadline or an obligation that needs to be fulfilled. When using due in a sentence, be clear about what is expected and when to convey a sense of urgency or importance.
Examples of due in a sentence
  • The final payment is due at the end of the month.
  • Her baby is due in early September.
  • I gave him the respect due to his position.

Dew and due definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Dew definition:
Dew is a noun that denotes the small droplets of water that form on the ground and other surfaces outside, especially in the morning or evening due to condensation.

Dew parts of speech:
  • The dew made her shoes wet as she walked across the lawn (noun).

Dew pronunciation:
Dew is pronounced as /duː/, rhyming with 'new' and 'few'.

Due definition:
Due is an adjective that describes something expected or required to happen or be paid at a certain time, and as a noun, it refers to a payment that is owed.

Due parts of speech:
  • The payment is due at the end of the month (adjective).
  • How much is due for the services provided? (noun).

Due pronunciation:
Due is pronounced as /djuː/, exactly like 'dew'. It shares the same pronunciation despite the different spelling and meaning.

Dew vs. due in a nutshell

In a nutshell, while dew and due are pronounced identically, they serve entirely distinct purposes in language. Dew evokes images of morning freshness and condensation, standing as a noun within descriptive settings. In contrast, due functions as both an adjective and a noun, relating to obligations, deadlines, and expectations. Mastering the use of these two will ensure clear and effective communication, sidestepping the potential confusion that homophones can often cause.

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