During vs. For: What's the Difference?

The words during and for are both used to discuss time, but they serve different functions in a sentence. During is a preposition used to indicate when something happens within a specific time frame or event. Alternatively, for is a preposition used to denote the duration or extent of time something lasts. Understanding the context and function of these words can greatly enhance clarity in communication.

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During vs. For

How do you use the word during in a sentence?

The word during is used to reference a specific period or event in time. It implies that an action or state is coincident with another event, which is defined by a start and end point. Use during when you need to emphasize that something is happening at the same time as another event.
Examples of during in a sentence
  • The phones must be switched off during the examination.
  • During the summer, the park is full of families enjoying the weather.
  • He discovered his love for painting during his stay in France.

How do you use the word for in a sentence?

The word for is used when we want to specify the duration of an action or event. It is not tied to a specific start time but tells us how long something has been happening. For can be used with all tenses and typically answers the question of 'how long?'
Examples of for in a sentence
  • She has been studying for three hours.
  • They traveled for weeks to reach their destination.
  • I have been living in this city for over a decade.

During and for definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

During definition:
During is a preposition suggesting at some time between the beginning and the end of a particular period.

During parts of speech:
  • During the game, fans cheered loudly for their team.

During pronunciation:
During is pronounced as /ˈdjʊərɪŋ/ or /ˈdʊrɪŋ/.

For definition:
For is a preposition indicating the amount of time that something is expected to take or lasts.

For parts of speech:
  • The athlete has been training for the Olympics for four years.

For pronunciation:
For is pronounced as /fɔːr/ or /fɔr/.

During vs. for in a nutshell

Mastering the use of during and for is key to communicating temporal contexts effectively. During is appropriate when you need to specify that something happens simultaneously within a particular event or time frame. 'For,' on the other hand, is ideal for indicating the length or span of time an action or state persists. By using during and for accurately, you ensure your message is not only understood but also precise.

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