Exceed vs. Accede: What's the Difference?

To exceed is to go beyond an established limit or measure, often used in the context of surpassing expectations or breaking records. Exceed implies surpassed boundaries, both numerical and figurative. On the other hand, to accede is to agree or yield to a request or demand, often associated with giving consent or assent. It is also used to describe the act of achieving a high office, especially in a formal succession.

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Exceed vs. Accede

How do you use the word exceed in a sentence?

You use the word exceed when discussing situations that involve going beyond certain limits or standards. For example, when someone performs better than expected in a task, or when the quantity or size of something is greater than what was thought possible or permissible.
Examples of exceed in a sentence
  • The athlete managed to exceed her personal best by two seconds in the 100-meter dash.
  • Our website's traffic this month has exceeded our projections by a wide margin.
  • The complexity of the task exceeds my current level of expertise.

How do you use the word accede in a sentence?

The word accede is typically used to express agreement with a proposition, demand, or set of conditions. It can also refer to someone's formal entry into an office or position, often of a prestigious nature or within an organizational framework.
Examples of accede in a sentence
  • After much negotiation, the company finally acceded to the terms of the new contract.
  • The board is looking for a suitable candidate to accede to the retiring CEO next quarter.
  • He was hesitant to accede to their demands without further discussion.

Exceed and accede definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Exceed definition:
Exceed means to go beyond, overstep, or surpass a certain limit or range, either quantitatively or qualitatively.

Exceed parts of speech:
  • As a verb: The project's success exceeded all expectations.

Exceed pronunciation:
Exceed is pronounced as /ɪkˈsiːd/ or /ɛkˈsiːd/.

Accede definition:
Accede refers to the act of agreeing to a request or demand, or to assent to a condition. It also signifies accepting an office or position, especially formally or with ceremony.

Accede parts of speech:
  • As a verb: They will not accede to the demands for a larger share of the revenue.

Accede pronunciation:
Accede is pronounced as /əkˈsiːd/.

Exceed vs. accede in a nutshell

While both exceed and accede have connotations of reaching beyond a level, they serve unique purposes. Exceed is oriented towards surpassing limits or expectations and is often utilized in contexts involving performance or measurement. Accede, conversely, involves agreeing or giving consent, especially within legal, political, or formal scenarios. Understanding the difference between exceed and accede ensures precise and effective communication in a variety of settings.

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