Expedite vs. Expediate: What's the Difference?

Expedite and expediate may sound similar, but only one is widely recognized as a correct term. Expedite is a verb that means to speed up the process or progress of something. On the other hand, expediate is often considered a misuse or a nonstandard variant of expedite. It is rarely used and not listed in most dictionaries, making expedite the preferred and correct choice in formal writing and communication.

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Expedite vs. Expediate

How do you use the word expedite in a sentence?

The word expedite is commonly used when discussing measures taken to make a process quicker. It implies efficiency and prompt action, often found in business, logistics, and bureaucratic contexts. The term can be applied to various situations, from speeding up a shipment to streamlining a workflow.
Examples of expedite in a sentence
  • To meet the deadline, we must expedite the approval process.
  • The new software tool helped to expedite document processing significantly.
  • Is there anything we can do to expedite the delivery of our order?

How do you use the word expediate in a sentence?

Because expediate is not a standard term and is considered incorrect, it’s best to avoid using it in sentences at all. Instead, use expedite to convey the notion of speeding up a process or making it more efficient. Using the correct term will ensure clarity and professionalism in your communication.
Examples of expediate in a sentence
  • Note: As expediate is an incorrect word, no example sentences will be provided.

Expedite and expediate definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Expedite definition:
Expedite, as a verb, means to make an action or process happen quicker or be accomplished more efficiently.

Expedite parts of speech:
  • As a transitive verb: 'The company will expedite your order for an additional charge.'

Expedite pronunciation:
Expedite is pronounced as /ˈek.spɪ.daɪt/.

Expediate definition:
Expediate is a common misspelling and incorrect form of expedite, thus, it lacks a formal definition.

Expediate parts of speech:
  • Note: As expediate is not a formally recognized term, no parts of speech are available.

Expediate pronunciation:
As expediate is not an accepted term, it has no standardized pronunciation.

Expedite vs. expediate in a nutshell

In summary, expedite is the appropriate term to use when referring to making a process more efficient or faster. It is a well-recognized verb found in standard dictionaries with clear definitions and usage contexts. Expediate, however, should be considered a misspelling and is not accepted in formal or standard usage. Remembering this distinction ensures precise and professional communication.

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