Fit vs. Suit: What's the Difference?

The words fit and suit have distinct meanings, especially in connection with clothing and style. Fit refers to how well an article of clothing conforms to the wearer's body, focusing on size and shape. Suit, on the other hand, concerns how appropriate or flattering an item is for a person, taking into account style, occasion, and personal preference.

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Fit vs. Suit

How do you use the word fit in a sentence?

Use fit when referring to the correct size and shape of an item, particularly clothing. It answers questions such as whether a garment is too tight, too loose, or just right. The term is also used to describe whether someone is in good physical shape or whether something is suitable for a particular purpose.
Examples of fit in a sentence
  • This jacket fits perfectly on the shoulders but is a bit snug around the waist.
  • After months of training, she's really fit and ready for the marathon.
  • The new software fits our needs better than the old system.

How do you use the word suit in a sentence?

Use suit when discussing the compatibility or appropriateness of something for a particular person, occasion, or purpose. The term often relates to whether the style or type of something enhances or aligns with someone's appearance, preferences, or requirements.
Examples of suit in a sentence
  • That color really suits you; it brings out the blue in your eyes.
  • She's looking for a new job that would better suit her lifestyle.
  • Please choose a date to meet that suits your schedule.

Fit and suit definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Fit definition:
Fit (verb) refers to being the right size and shape; Fit (noun) is the degree to which something matches the size, shape, or preference.

Fit parts of speech:
  • As a verb: Make sure the pieces fit together before gluing them.
  • As a noun: The fit of this dress could be better; it's loose on the top.

Fit pronunciation:
/fɪt/ is the phonetic representation for the word 'fit'. The pronunciation is consistent without regional variations.

Suit definition:
Suit (verb) means to be appropriate or satisfactory; Suit (noun) is rarely used in modern English but historically referred to a set of garments designed to be worn together.

Suit parts of speech:
  • As a verb: The role suits him well due to his extensive experience in marketing.
  • As a noun (historical): He wore a dapper suit to the interview.

Suit pronunciation:
/suːt/ or /sjuːt/ for British English and /sut/ for American English are the phonetic spellings for 'suit'. Pronunciation may slightly vary based on regional accents.

Fit vs. suit in a nutshell

Understanding the differences between fit and suit enhances clarity in fashion and beyond. Fit deals with the physical dimensions and comfort of an item, highlighting its accommodation to one's form. Suit, alternatively, aligns with the aesthetic and appropriateness, reflecting personal taste and the suitability of an item for specific circumstances. Both play pivotal roles in conveying precise aspects of compatibility and desirability.

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