Flaunt vs. Flout: What's the Difference?

Although flaunt and flout may sound similar, they signify completely different actions. To flaunt means to display something ostentatiously or to show off, particularly used in the context of wealth or status. On the other hand, to flout means to openly disregard a rule, law, or convention. It conveys a sense of contempt or defiance against authority.

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Flaunt vs. Flout

How do you use the word flaunt in a sentence?

The word flaunt is typically used when someone wants to show off something they are proud of or consider valuable. It is a verb that implies the act of proudly displaying one’s possessions or achievements to attract admiration or envy. Flaunt is often seen in a negative light, as it implies vanity and self-importance.
Examples of flaunt in a sentence
  • She loved to flaunt her designer wardrobe at every social gathering.
  • Despite his considerable wealth, he never felt the need to flaunt it.
  • Celebrities often flaunt their luxurious lifestyles on social media.

How do you use the word flout in a sentence?

The term flout is used to describe an act of deliberately disobeying or showing contempt for rules or norms. It’s a verb indicating defiance and a deliberate attempt to undermine the relevance of certain rules or laws. It is commonly used in discussions about social behavior, legal cases, or ethical debates.
Examples of flout in a sentence
  • The rebels continue to flout the ceasefire agreement, leading to further conflicts.
  • He was fined for flouting the city's parking regulations.
  • Despite the company’s strict policies, some employees flout the dress code on casual Fridays.

Flaunt and flout definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Flaunt definition:
Flaunt (verb): To display something with ostentation or showiness, often to provoke envy or admiration; commonly associated with prideful exhibition.

Flaunt parts of speech:
  • Verb: She flaunts her new car whenever she can.

Flaunt pronunciation:
Flaunt: /flɔːnt/

Flout definition:
Flout (verb): To openly disregard or mock compliance with a rule, law, or convention; showing a lack of respect for authority or norms in a bold or blatant manner.

Flout parts of speech:
  • Verb: They flouted the no-smoking sign and lit their cigarettes.

Flout pronunciation:
Flout: /flaʊt/

Flaunt vs. flout in a nutshell

The key difference between flaunt and flout lies in their meanings: flaunt involves showing off while flout means to scornfully ignore rules. Flaunt is about seeking attention through ostentatious display, whereas flout describes a willful disregard for established guidelines. While flaunt commonly holds connotations of pride and exhibitionism, flout carries undertones of rebellion and nonconformity. Correctly using these terms in context underscores the distinction between exhibition and insubordination.

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