Forth vs. Fourth: What's the Difference?

Understanding the difference between forth and fourth is key to proper English usage. Forth is an adverb meaning 'forward in time, place, or order,' while fourth describes the ordinal number following third. Forth usually pertains to direction or advancement, whereas fourth is used to indicate position within a sequence.

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Forth vs. Fourth

How do you use the word forth in a sentence?

The word forth is used to signal movement or progression from a particular point. It can describe advancing in a physical sense or in a metaphorical sense, such as moving forward with a plan. When you want to talk about proceeding from a place or advancing in any sort of sequence, forth is the word to choose.
Examples of forth in a sentence
  • He set forth his arguments with confidence.
  • The company moved forth into new markets.
  • From this day forth, you shall be known as Sir Knight.

How do you use the word fourth in a sentence?

The term fourth is employed when numbering in order or arranging items by sequence. Often seen after third, it's the term you'd use to talk about anything that comes in the place following the first three items. Whether you're referring to dates, positions, or fractions, fourth pinpoints the exact place in the order.
Examples of fourth in a sentence
  • She was the fourth person to cross the finish line.
  • July Fourth is Independence Day in the United States.
  • I'll need a fourth cup of sugar to complete this recipe.

Forth and fourth definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Forth definition:
Forth is an adverb that means 'outward and forward' or 'from a starting point to a destination.' It is commonly used to describe advancing in space or time.

Forth parts of speech:
  • As an adverb: She walked forth into the storm.

Forth pronunciation:
Forth is pronounced as /fɔːrθ/.

Fourth definition:
Fourth is an ordinal number that follows the cardinal number three. It is used to denote the position in a sequence that comes after the third.

Fourth parts of speech:
  • As an adjective: She celebrated her fourth birthday.

Fourth pronunciation:
Fourth is pronounced as /fɔːrθ/, similar to forth but with a slight difference in the preceding vowel sound.

Forth vs. fourth in a nutshell

In sum, forth is an adverb pointing to direction or progress, often used figuratively to suggest forward movement in ideas or actions. Fourth, in contrast, is an ordinal number indicating position, typically in a series or sequence. Knowing when to use these terms hinges on understanding the context: if you're talking about moving ahead, it's forth; if it's about ranking or order, use fourth.

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