Foul vs. Fowl: What's the Difference?

Foul and fowl are homophones, meaning they sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. Foul refers to something that is offensive, disgusting, or not in accordance with the rules, particularly in a sports context. Fowl, on the other hand, is a noun that pertains to birds, especially those raised for their eggs and meat, such as chickens and ducks.

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Foul vs. Fowl

How do you use the word foul in a sentence?

The word foul is typically used to describe something that is unpleasant to the senses, morally offensive, or in violation of the rules in sports. You can use foul to describe an unpleasant taste or smell, unethical behavior, or a penalty incurred by a player. In sports commentary and casual conversation, it's a term commonly understood to indicate something undesirable or prohibited.
Examples of foul in a sentence
  • The referee blew the whistle for a foul after the player tripped his opponent.
  • They left the room quickly due to the foul odor emanating from the spoiled food.
  • Engaging in foul play during the game can result in suspension.

How do you use the word fowl in a sentence?

The word fowl is used to denote birds, typically those kept for their eggs and meat. It's a term you might encounter in agriculture, cooking, or when discussing avian species. Fowl is rarely used in a figurative sense and is most appropriate in discussions surrounding poultry farming, bird species, or culinary contexts.
Examples of fowl in a sentence
  • Domestic fowl, such as chickens and turkeys, are important sources of protein around the world.
  • We decided to raise fowl in our backyard to have a steady supply of fresh eggs.
  • The children were delighted to see the colorful fowl strutting around the farm.

Foul and fowl definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Foul definition:
Foul is an adjective that describes something offensive to the senses, morally corrupt, or breaching the rules of a game or sport.

Foul parts of speech:
  • As an adjective: The boxer's actions were deemed foul due to illegal moves.
  • As a verb: He fouled the opponent during the final minute of the match.

Foul pronunciation:
Foul is pronounced as /faʊl/.

Fowl definition:
Fowl is a noun referring to birds raised for their meat and eggs, such as chickens, ducks, and turkeys.

Fowl parts of speech:
  • As a noun (singular): A fowl is roaming in the yard.
  • As a noun (plural): Different breeds of fowl were displayed at the agricultural fair.

Fowl pronunciation:
Fowl is pronounced as /faʊl/, identical to foul.

Foul vs. fowl in a nutshell

Although foul and fowl are pronounced the same, their uses couldn't be more distinct. Foul is an adjective or verb highlighting unpleasantness or wrongdoing, often used to describe unsavory smells, unethical behavior, or sports infractions. Fowl refers to certain birds, primarily those kept for human consumption. Understanding the context in which these terms are used will ensure you never confuse one for the other in communication or writing.

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