Grill vs. Grille: What's the Difference?

Understanding the difference between grill and grille is crucial for accurate communication. A grill typically refers to a cooking appliance or a device used for grilling food, often featuring an open grid and a heat source underneath. In contrast, grille refers to a protective metal framework, commonly found on the front of vehicles, which allows air to enter while keeping out debris.

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Grill vs. Grille

How do you use the word grill in a sentence?

Use the word grill when you're talking about cooking-related activities or the piece of equipment used for such purposes. It's also often used to describe a thorough or intense questioning or to refer to a type of jewelry worn over the teeth.
Examples of grill in a sentence
  • We spent the evening grilling burgers and hot dogs in the backyard.
  • The detectives decided to grill the suspect for more information about the case.
  • He flashed a smile, revealing a gold grill on his teeth.

How do you use the word grille in a sentence?

The word grille is primarily used in the context of automobiles and architecture. It refers to a slotted cover that provides an opening for ventilation but also serves as a barrier to larger objects, offering protection and aesthetic value.
Examples of grille in a sentence
  • The car's distinctive grille design sets it apart from other models on the market.
  • Air flowed freely through the decorative grille set into the wall of the old building.
  • He admired the wrought iron grille that served as the centerpiece of the courtyard.

Grill and grille definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Grill definition:
A grill is a device for cooking food that features a gridiron to hold the food above a heat source.

Grill parts of speech:
  • As a noun: We need to clean the grill before our barbecue party.
  • As a verb: Could you grill some vegetables along with the steaks?

Grill pronunciation:
Grill is pronounced as /ɡrɪl/.

Grille definition:
A grille is a framework of metal bars or wires, especially one used as a barrier or as an ornamental feature in a car or building.

Grille parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The artist incorporated a grille into her metal sculpture.
  • There's no common usage of grille as a verb, as it primarily serves as a noun.

Grille pronunciation:
Grille is pronounced as /ɡrɪl/, identical to grill.

Grill vs. grille in a nutshell

While grill and grille are homophones with identical pronunciations, their meanings and uses are distinct. Grill is most relevant in culinary contexts or intense questioning, functioning as both a noun and a verb. Grille, on the other hand, is a term specific to protective and ornamental frameworks, typically used in automotive and architectural situations and is generally a noun. Remembering the 'e' at the end of grille can help associate it with the extra elegance often associated with its architectural and automotive applications.

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