Grisly vs. Grizzly: What's the Difference?

Although they sound similar, grisly and grizzly have distinct meanings and uses. Grisly is an adjective describing something that causes horror or disgust, often related to death or severe injury. Grizzly, on the other hand, could refer to a grizzly bear, a species of large brown bear, or used as an adjective to describe something grayish or somewhat gray in color.

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Grisly vs. Grizzly

How do you use the word grisly in a sentence?

The word grisly is typically used to describe something particularly horrifying or gruesome, especially associated with scenes involving bloodshed or violence. It carries connotations of horror that can be both physical, like a grisly wound, and psychological, like a grisly tale.
Examples of grisly in a sentence
  • Detectives are often faced with the grisly aftermath of violent crimes.
  • The horror film featured several grisly scenes that were not for the faint of heart.
  • Journalists reported the grisly details of the accident, causing public outcry.

How do you use the word grizzly in a sentence?

Use the word grizzly when referring to the North American bear, known scientifically as Ursus arctos horribilis, or to describe something with a rough gray appearance. This term is not interchangeable with grisly and bears no connotations of horror or disgust.
Examples of grizzly in a sentence
  • The wildlife photographer captured a stunning image of a grizzly in its natural habitat.
  • The old man's beard was grizzly, peppered with streaks of white and black.
  • Hikers are advised to carry bear spray in areas populated by grizzly bears.

Grisly and grizzly definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Grisly definition:
Grisly (adjective): causing horror, fear, or disgust; often used to describe something shockingly repellent, as in a mutilation or murder.

Grisly parts of speech:
  • Adjective: The grisly scene was almost too much to bear.

Grisly pronunciation:
Grisly is pronounced as /ˈgrɪ

Grizzly definition:
Grizzly (noun): a large, powerful brown bear of western North America. (adj.): grizzled; having fur or hair streaked or tipped with gray.

Grizzly parts of speech:
  • Noun: A grizzly was spotted foraging near the campsite.
  • Adjective: The old dockhand had a grizzly expression and a weather-beaten hat.

Grizzly pronunciation:
Grizzly is pronounced as /ˈgrɪ

Grisly vs. Grizzly in a nutshell

To sum it up, grisly should be used when something is horrifying and repellent, such as a scene from a crime. Grizzly is reserved for describing either the brown bear species found in North America or to characterize something with a partial gray coloration. Despite their similar pronunciations, /ˈgrɪ, their meanings are not at all interchangeable. Understanding the difference ensures clear and concise communication.

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