Hair vs. Hare: What's the Difference?

The distinction between hair and hare is a classic example of English homophones: words that sound the same but have different meanings. Hair refers to the individual strands of filament that grow from the skin of humans and many animals, often serving as a means of warmth, protection, and personal style. Conversely, a hare is a mammal belonging to the same family as rabbits, known for its long ears, powerful hind legs, and fast movement.

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Hair vs. Hare

How do you use the word hair in a sentence?

The word hair is used to describe the fine thread-like strands that grow on humans and animals. It can refer to a singular strand or to hair collectively, such as when discussing hair care or hairstyles. Hair plays an important role in both function and fashion.
Examples of hair in a sentence
  • She brushed her long, silky hair before stepping out.
  • The cat's hair was matted after its adventurous day outside.
  • He decided to donate his hair to a charity that makes wigs for those in need.

How do you use the word hare in a sentence?

The word hare is used when speaking about the swift and long-eared mammal that is similar to, but larger than, a rabbit. It can be found in folktales and myths as well as in discussions of wildlife. Hares are known for their speed and agility, which is often necessary to elude predators.
Examples of hare in a sentence
  • The hare dashed across the meadow, barely visible in the twilight.
  • In the fable, the tortoise competes against the hare in a race.
  • Jackrabbits are actually hares, not rabbits, as one might assume from their name.

Hair and hare definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Hair definition:
Hair refers to the set of fibers that grow from the living skin cells of mammals.

Hair parts of speech:
  • As a noun, hair means the filaments growing from the skin: 'She has golden hair.'
  • Used attributively as an adjective, hair describes something related to or covered with hair: 'The hair salon specializes in hair treatments.'

Hair pronunciation:
Hair is pronounced /hɛr/.

Hare definition:
A hare is a fast-running, long-eared mammal that resembles a large rabbit.

Hare parts of speech:
  • As a noun, hare represents the animal itself: 'A hare can outrun many other animals with its speed.'
  • There is no common usage of hare as any part of speech other than a noun.

Hare pronunciation:
Hare is pronounced /hɛr/, identical to hair.

Hair vs. hare in a nutshell

Though hair and hare are homophones pronounced the same way, their meanings are quite distinct. Hair refers to the strands of keratin that grow from our heads and bodies, whereas a hare is a long-eared, fast-moving mammal. Understanding the context is crucial when encountering these terms in spoken language, as the visual distinction in written language clarifies their disparate meanings.

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