Hangar vs. Hanger: What's the Difference?

Whilst they may sound identical, hangar and hanger refer to completely different things. A hangar is a large building with extensive floor area, typically for housing aircraft. In contrast, a hanger is an item used to hang articles of clothing. Both words are commonly used in their respective contexts but mean very different things.

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Hangar vs. Hanger

How do you use the word hangar in a sentence?

The word hangar is often used when discussing aviation, military, or other spaces where large vehicles such as airplanes or helicopters are stored. It is typically recognized as a large structure used for protection or maintenance of such vehicles.
Examples of hangar in a sentence
  • The aircraft was towed back into the hangar after the test flight.
  • During the storm, all the planes were secured inside the hangar.
  • She worked as an engineer in the hangar, maintaining helicopter engines.

How do you use the word hanger in a sentence?

The word hanger is mainly used in domestic settings, referring to the object used to hang clothes. It's a household essential found in wardrobes and closets and is usually made of metal, wood, or plastic.
Examples of hanger in a sentence
  • After doing the laundry, she hung the clothes on hangers to dry.
  • The closet was organized with wood hangers for a rustic aesthetic.
  • He reached for a hanger to put away his coat.

Hangar and hanger definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Hangar definition:
A hangar is a noun that refers to a large structure used for repairing or storing airplanes or other aircraft.

Hangar parts of speech:
  • Noun: The plane is housed in a hangar for maintenance.

Hangar pronunciation:
Hangar is pronounced as /ˈhæŋər/.

Hanger definition:
A hanger is a noun meaning a shaped piece of wood, plastic, or metal with a hook at the top, used for hanging clothes on.

Hanger parts of speech:
  • Noun: She needed more hangers for her growing collection of dresses.

Hanger pronunciation:
Hanger is pronounced as /ˈhæŋər/.

Hangar vs. hanger in a nutshell

Although hangar and hanger are homophones, their meanings and applications are distinct. A hangar refers specifically to a large structure or shelter for aircraft. Alternatively, a hanger is the object that supports clothing in a suspended position, usually within a wardrobe or closet. It is important to use each term in its correct context to avoid confusion.

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