Hart vs. Heart: What's the Difference?

Although hart and heart sound alike, they signify entirely different things. A hart is an archaic word for a specific type of male deer, particularly a red deer that's reached the age of 5 years or more. On the other hand, heart refers to the organ that pumps blood throughout the body. It's a term widely used in both medical fields and metaphoric expressions related to emotions and love.

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Hart vs. Heart

How do you use the word hart in a sentence?

The word hart is used sparingly in modern English and is most often encountered in historical literature or poetic texts reflecting older times. Whenever you need to refer to an adult male deer in a historical or literary context, hart is the appropriate term to use.
Examples of hart in a sentence
  • In the forest clearing, a majestic hart stood still, listening to the surrounding sounds of nature.
  • The coat of arms featured a hart, which symbolized courage and strength in medieval heraldry.
  • Legends often tell of hunters pursuing the elusive white hart, considered a rare and noble quarry.

How do you use the word heart in a sentence?

The word heart is versatile and can be used in a variety of sentences that talk about the physical organ, emotional states, and metaphorical concepts. It's commonly used to describe the center or core of something, talk about compassion and empathy, or in idioms that express emotions.
Examples of heart in a sentence
  • After running the marathon, Ken could feel his heart pounding in his chest.
  • She offered them her help from the bottom of her heart, showing genuine concern.
  • The charity organization reached out to the heart of the community, making everyone feel involved.

Hart and heart definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Hart definition:
A hart is defined as an adult male deer, specifically a red deer over five years old.

Hart parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The hunters tracked the hart through the dense woods.

Hart pronunciation:
Hart is pronounced as /hɑːrt/, with a long 'a' sound similar to 'art' but with an initial 'h'.

Heart definition:
The heart is an organ in the chest that sends the blood around the body. Metaphorically, it is also used to denote the central or most important part, and in expressions about emotions.

Heart parts of speech:
  • As a noun: She wears a necklace with a heart pendant.
  • Metaphorically: Giving up is not in his heart.

Heart pronunciation:
Heart is pronounced as /hɑːrt/, identically to 'hart' in most English dialects.

Hart vs. heart in a nutshell

In summary, hart is a historical term for an adult male deer, while heart refers to the vital organ that circulates blood or the symbolic center of human emotion. These words are homophones in English, meaning they are pronounced the same way but have different meanings and origins. Hart is rarely used in contemporary language outside of literary or historical contexts, whereas heart remains a commonly used word with both literal and figurative applications.

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