Heal vs. Heel: What's the Difference?

The words heal and heel are homophones, meaning they sound alike but have different meanings. Heal is primarily used as a verb that refers to the process of becoming healthy again after an injury or illness. Heel, on the other hand, has several meanings, most commonly as a noun referring to the back part of the foot or a shoe, or as a verb meaning to follow closely.

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Heal vs. Heel

How do you use the word heal in a sentence?

The word heal is used to describe the process of recovery from physical or emotional wounds. It can be utilized in medical contexts or metaphorically to refer to overcoming troubles or restoring peace. When using heal, it often implies an improvement or a return to a state of health.
Examples of heal in a sentence
  • The doctor said it would take several weeks for the wound to heal completely.
  • After the argument, they took some time apart to heal their friendship.
  • Meditation helped her heal from the stress of her job.

How do you use the word heel in a sentence?

The word heel is most commonly used as a noun to refer to the back part of a human or animal's foot. In a different context, as a verb, it can mean to tilt or lean, especially referring to a ship, or to follow someone closely. It is also used in commands to dogs, instructing them to walk closely by their handler's side.
Examples of heel in a sentence
  • She wore a pair of high heels to the party.
  • The sailboat began to heel as the wind picked up speed.
  • The trainer taught the puppy to heel during walks.

Heal and heel definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Heal definition:
Heal (verb) - to make healthy, whole, or sound; restore to health; free from ailment.

Heal parts of speech:
  • As a verb: To help someone heal from a trauma takes time and care.
  • Used with helping verb: She has healed considerably since the accident.

Heal pronunciation:
Heal is pronounced as /hiːl/, rhyming with "peel".

Heel definition:
Heel (noun) - the back part of the human foot below the ankle. As a verb, it can mean to follow closely or to tip or lean on an edge, as in a boat.

Heel parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The runner injured his heel during the marathon.
  • As a verb: Without a word, the dog heeled at her master's side.

Heel pronunciation:
Heel is pronounced as /hiːl/, rhyming with "seal".

Heal vs. heel in a nutshell

Though heal and heel sound identical, they serve very different linguistic functions. Heal is an action taken to restore health, while heel refers to a part of the foot or a command to follow closely. Understanding the difference is crucial for conveying clear and precise messages whether you're discussing health and recovery or anatomy and obedience.

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