Hoard vs. Horde: What's the Difference?

The words hoard and horde are often confused due to their similar pronunciation, but they have distinct meanings. A hoard refers to a stockpile or accumulation of items, often kept hidden or stored for future use. On the contrary, a horde is a large group of people, often in a context of invasion or migration, or can be used to describe a swarm or mass of animate beings like insects.

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Hoard vs. Horde

How do you use the word hoard in a sentence?

Use the word hoard when talking about a collection of items that are being stored, often in a secret or careful manner. Hoarding implies that the items are of value to the individual keeping them, and there's often an element of preservation or savings associated with the term hoard.
Examples of hoard in a sentence
  • During the long winter, the squirrels relied on the hoard of nuts they had collected in the fall.
  • The treasure hunters were overjoyed to discover an ancient hoard of Roman coins in the old cellar.
  • He had a hoard of comic books in his attic, collected meticulously since childhood.

How do you use the word horde in a sentence?

The word horde is used to describe a large group of individuals, often with a connotation of tumult and disorganization. It suits contexts involving large masses of people or animals, such as a crowd, an army, or a swarm, usually suggesting a sense of overwhelming numbers or a potential threat.
Examples of horde in a sentence
  • A horde of fans waited eagerly outside the venue, hoping to catch a glimpse of their favorite star.
  • The ancient city fell quickly to the invading horde, its defenders vastly outnumbered.
  • The picnic was interrupted by a horde of ants attracted to the sweet treats.

Hoard and horde definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Hoard definition:
Hoard (noun): A store of valuable items that are kept hidden or private; a cache. Also used as a verb to describe the act of amassing and storing such items, often secretly and for future use.

Hoard parts of speech:
  • Noun: The dragon closely guarded its hoard of gold and jewels in the cavernous lair.
  • Verb: She tends to hoard food items in the pantry, fearing they will run out.

Hoard pronunciation:
Hoard is pronounced as /hɔːrd/, with a long 'o' sound followed by a soft 'r', similar to the word 'board'.

Horde definition:
Horde (noun): A large group of people, often associated with chaos or disorder; a crowd or swarm, usually in a pejorative sense.

Horde parts of speech:
  • Noun: The mall was packed with a horde of last-minute shoppers on Christmas Eve.
  • Noun (plural hordes): Historical documentaries often depict the movement of hordes across continents.

Horde pronunciation:
Pronounce horde as /hɔːrd/, which is identical to the pronunciation of hoard. The context of the sentence usually clarifies which word is intended.

Hoard vs. horde in a nutshell

While hoard and horde are homophones, their meanings diverge sharply: hoard pertains to an accumulation of items kept stashed away, possibly for a rainy day, whereas horde represents a vast, often disorderly throng of individuals. Understanding the context in which each term is used will aid in correct application and bolster your vocabulary prowess.

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