Holy vs. Wholly: What's the Difference?

The words holy and wholly are homophones, which means they are pronounced the same but have different meanings and spellings. Holy typically pertains to a divine quality or sacredness, and is often associated with religious contexts. On the other hand, wholly means 'entirely' or 'completely,' and is used to describe the full extent of something.

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Holy vs. Wholly

How do you use the word holy in a sentence?

The word holy is used to refer to something sacred or connected to divinity. It is commonly used in religious discussions to describe a place, person, or object that is revered or blessed. Holy is often used as an adjective to express reverence, sanctity, or a divine quality.
Examples of holy in a sentence
  • The holy site attracts pilgrims from all around the world.
  • She observed the tradition with holy reverence.
  • The holy scriptures are central to the religious practice.

How do you use the word wholly in a sentence?

The word wholly is used when referencing something that is complete or to the full extent. It is an adverb that describes an action or state that is entirely or fully done. Wholly can be used in various contexts, often to emphasize the total involvement or effect.
Examples of wholly in a sentence
  • She was wholly committed to the project, working late hours to ensure its success.
  • The statement was wholly inaccurate and misleading.
  • He devoted himself wholly to his family after retirement.

Holy and wholly definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Holy definition:
Holy refers to something that is consecrated, sacred, or divine. It is most often used to describe someone or something related to a deity or religion.

Holy parts of speech:
  • Adjective: The holy temple is a place of worship and peace.
  • Noun (in certain expressions): The Holy of Holies is the most sacred part of the temple.

Holy pronunciation:
Holy is pronounced /ˈhoʊ.li/.

Wholly definition:
Wholly means entirely, completely, or to the full extent. It is used to describe the complete nature of something without exception.

Wholly parts of speech:
  • Adverb: The team was wholly unprepared for the sudden change in strategy.
  • Adverb: His opinion was wholly his own, uninfluenced by the others.

Wholly pronunciation:
Wholly is pronounced /ˈhoʊ.li/, identical to holy.

Holy vs. wholly in a nutshell

While holy and wholly sound the same, holy is an adjective or a noun that signifies a connection to the divine or something sacred. In contrast, wholly is an adverb that means 'entirely' or 'completely' and indicates that something is complete to its fullest extent. Understanding the context in which each word is used is essential to grasp their distinct meanings despite the phonetic similarity.

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