Hostel vs. Hostile: What's the Difference?

The terms hostel and hostile are homophones that can cause confusion due to their similar pronunciation, but they have entirely different meanings. A hostel is a budget-friendly accommodation offering shared rooms and communal facilities to travelers. In contrast, hostile describes an unfriendly or aggressive attitude or environment.

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Hostel vs. Hostile

How do you use the word hostel in a sentence?

The word hostel is used to refer to a type of budget lodging that caters to backpackers and other travelers looking for an affordable place to stay. It often involves dormitory-style sleeping arrangements and shared facilities, providing a social atmosphere for guests.
Examples of hostel in a sentence
  • During my Europe trip, I stayed in a hostel to save money.
  • The hostel's common area was bustling with travelers from around the world.
  • She recommended a hostel that offers free breakfast and Wi-Fi to its guests.

How do you use the word hostile in a sentence?

The word hostile is typically used to describe an environment or attitude that is unfriendly and confrontational. It can be applied to social situations, business relationships, climate conditions, or any scenario where antagonism is present.
Examples of hostile in a sentence
  • He walked into a room filled with a hostile audience that didn't agree with his views.
  • The soldiers trained to survive in hostile environments.
  • They ended the partnership due to the increasingly hostile nature of their business dealings.

Hostel and hostile definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Hostel definition:
Hostel refers to an establishment that provides inexpensive food and lodging for a specific group of people, such as students, workers, or travelers.

Hostel parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The youth hostel was clean and centrally located.

Hostel pronunciation:
Hostel is pronounced as /ˈhɒs.təl/.

Hostile definition:
Hostile means showing or feeling opposition or dislike; unfriendly or antagonistic.

Hostile parts of speech:
  • As an adjective: The hostile takeover bid caused an uproar among the company's board members.

Hostile pronunciation:
Hostile is pronounced as /ˈhɒs.taɪl/.

Hostel vs. hostile in a nutshell

Hostel and hostile differ significantly in both meaning and usage. A hostel is a form of affordable accommodation appealing to travelers who are mindful of their budget, often associated with sociability and shared spaces. On the other hand, hostile describes an unfriendly or adversarial situation or demeanor, and it carries a negative connotation. Despite their similar pronunciation, it's important to understand the distinct context in which each term is used to communicate effectively.

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