Hour vs. Our: What's the Difference?

Although hour and our are homophones, meaning they sound the same when spoken, their meanings are distinct. The word hour refers to a unit of time that is equal to 60 minutes. On the other hand, our is a possessive pronoun used to indicate something that belongs to or is associated with the speaker and one or more other people. Understanding the context in which each term is used is key to proper usage.

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Hour vs. Our

How do you use the word hour in a sentence?

The term hour is typically used when discussing any matter related to time. It might denote a specific point on the clock or a duration. The importance of punctuality makes hour an essential word in everyday conversation, especially when planning events or discussing schedules.
Examples of hour in a sentence
  • We have only one hour to complete the test.
  • The museum is busiest during the lunch hour.
  • 24 hours a day, this hotline provides support.

How do you use the word our in a sentence?

The word our is a possessive pronoun used to imply ownership or association with the speaker and at least one other person. It's an inclusive term that signifies a shared relationship with an object, idea, or person. Our is often used when expressing collective sentiment or responsibilities.
Examples of our in a sentence
  • Our house is at the end of the street.
  • We decided to sell our car and use public transportation.
  • Our efforts to plant more trees are finally paying off.

Hour and our definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Hour definition:
An hour (noun) is a temporal measurement equal to 60 minutes, often used to schedule and measure periods of the day.

Hour parts of speech:
  • Hour as a noun: I will meet you in an hour.

Hour pronunciation:
Hour is pronounced as /aʊər/.

Our definition:
Our (pronoun) denotes possession or relation to the group including the speaker and at least one other person.

Our parts of speech:
  • Our as a possessive pronoun: Our appointment is scheduled for tomorrow.

Our pronunciation:
Our can be pronounced as either /aʊər/ or /ɑːr/, depending on regional accents.

Hour vs. our in a nutshell

Despite their identical pronunciation, hour and our serve distinct purposes in language. Hour is a unit of time crucial for quantifying moments and events, while our signifies a shared connection or ownership and is used in both formal and informal contexts to unite speakers with others. Mastery of these terms can enhance clarity of communication, especially in spoken English where their homophonic nature comes into play.

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