Key vs. Quay: What's the Difference?

The words key and quay are homophones, meaning they are pronounced the same but have different meanings and spellings. Key generally refers to a device used to open a lock and can symbolically represent a crucial element in solving a problem or achieving a goal. In contrast, a quay is a structure built parallel to the bank of a body of water for use as a landing place for boats, playing a vital role in maritime activities.

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Key vs. Quay

How do you use the word key in a sentence?

The word key is commonly used to describe an instrument for locking and unlocking doors, boxes, or other objects. It can also metaphorically imply an answer or solution that unlocks many questions or problems. Furthermore, key is used in a musical context to describe the set of notes that forms the basis of a composition.
Examples of key in a sentence
  • She handed me the key to the old storage chest.
  • Finding the key to a balanced diet can greatly improve your health.
  • The song was written in the key of G major.

How do you use the word quay in a sentence?

The word quay is used to refer to a concrete, stone, or metal platform lying alongside or projecting into water for loading and unloading ships. Quays are important infrastructures at ports and are often busy with people, goods, and marine transportation activities. The word is especially frequent in the context of nautical and maritime discussions.
Examples of quay in a sentence
  • Fishermen unloaded their catch onto the bustling quay.
  • The old quay by the riverside was a favorite spot for evening strolls.
  • As the cruise ship approached, the crew prepared for docking at the quay.

Key and quay definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Key definition:
A key is a small piece of shaped metal with incisions cut to fit the wards of a particular lock, which is inserted into the lock and turned to open or close it. It also denotes something crucial that provides a means of gaining access to, understanding, or controlling something else.

Key parts of speech:
  • Noun: The key to the secret garden was found buried in the flower bed.
  • Adjective: The key observations were documented in the research paper.

Key pronunciation:
Key is pronounced as /kiː/.

Quay definition:
A quay is a stone or metal platform lying alongside or projecting into water, used for loading and unloading ships.

Quay parts of speech:
  • Noun: Large cranes on the quay were visible from miles away.

Quay pronunciation:
Quay is pronounced as /kiː/ which is exactly the same as 'key'.

Key vs. Quay in a nutshell

Key and quay are two distinct nouns that share the same pronunciation. A key is an object used to operate a lock or metaphorically to denote a crucial element, whereas a quay is a waterfront landing place designed for loading and unloading vessels. Despite sounding identical, their usage and contexts are markedly different, emphasizing the quirkiness and complexity of the English language.

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