Knob vs. Nob: What's the Difference?

The terms knob and nob serve distinct functions in English. A knob refers to a rounded handle or control on a door, drawer, or piece of equipment, used for gripping and turning. In contrast, nob is a colloquial term for a person of wealth or high social position and can sometimes be spelled as nob.

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Knob vs. Nob

How do you use the word knob in a sentence?

The word knob is commonly used to describe a rounded protruding object that allows for manual control or adjustment. It is often associated with mechanical or electronic devices, as well as furniture and doors.
Examples of knob in a sentence
  • Please turn the knob to the right to increase the volume on the speaker.
  • The antique dresser was adorned with brass knobs that gleamed in the sunlight.
  • She grasped the door knob tightly and gave a firm twist.

How do you use the word nob in a sentence?

Nob is used informally to refer to a person of high social status or importance. Its use may convey a sense of respect or, occasionally, satire depending on the context.
Examples of nob in a sentence
  • During the 19th century, nob was a word commonly used to address noblemen.
  • He was treated like a nob after winning the lottery, with people constantly seeking his favor.
  • At the upscale gathering, she felt out of place among the nobs of society.

Knob and nob definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Knob definition:
A knob is a rounded lump or ball, especially at the end or on the surface of something, typically functioning as a handle.

Knob parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The door's knob needs replacing due to wear and tear.
  • As a noun in a different context: The summit of the hill was crowned with a grassy knob.

Knob pronunciation:
Knob is pronounced as /nɒb/, rhyming with 'bob'.

Nob definition:
Nob, in informal British English, refers to a person of high social rank or wealth, often used humorously or satirically.

Nob parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The party was full of nobs and socialites.
  • As a noun, alternative usage: His rise from a commoner to a nob was the talk of the town.

Nob pronunciation:
Nob is pronounced as /nɒb/, matching the pronunciation of 'knob'.

Knob vs. Nob in a nutshell

While both knob and nob share the same pronunciation, their meanings differ significantly. A knob typically refers to a round handle or control on machinery or furniture, essential in daily navigation of physical spaces. Nob, on the other hand, is an informal term referring to individuals of high status, and can have connotations ranging from respect to humor. Understanding the context in which each word is used will prevent confusion between these homophones.

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