Lam vs. Lamb: What's the Difference?

The words lam and lamb may sound similar, but they have entirely different meanings and uses. Lam is a slang term that typically refers to a rapid escape, often from the law. On the other hand, lamb is a noun referring to a young sheep or the meat of a young sheep when used as food.

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Lam vs. Lamb

How do you use the word lam in a sentence?

The word lam is typically used in the context of someone running away or making a hasty retreat. It is often used in informal situations and carries a sense of urgency and sometimes illegality. Since it's not commonly used in everyday language, it appears more frequently in crime novels and historical contexts.
Examples of lam in a sentence
  • After the bank robbery, the criminals went on the lam to avoid arrest.
  • She decided to take it on the lam when she realized the cops were on her tail.
  • The film noir featured a hard-boiled detective chasing a suspect on the lam.

How do you use the word lamb in a sentence?

The word lamb is used to denote a young sheep, commonly in a farming or culinary context. As a noun, it is straightforward to use. In its culinary sense, lamb refers to the meat and is a common ingredient listed in recipes or menus.
Examples of lamb in a sentence
  • The shepherd is taking care of the newborn lamb in the pasture.
  • For dinner, she prepared a rack of lamb with rosemary and garlic.
  • During spring, the farm is full of lambs frolicking in the fields.

Lam and lamb definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Lam definition:
Lam is a verb meaning to flee hastily, especially to escape from law enforcement or danger.

Lam parts of speech:
  • Verb: When used as a verb, lam implies someone going on the lam. Example: The thief decided to lam before the police showed up.

Lam pronunciation:
The word 'lam' is pronounced as /læm/.

Lamb definition:
Lamb is a noun that refers to a young domestic sheep or the meat of a young sheep, often used as food.

Lamb parts of speech:
  • Noun: In reference to the animal or the meat, lamb is used as a noun. Example: The farmer has several lambs in his field this season.

Lamb pronunciation:
The word 'lamb' is pronounced as /læm/, identical to 'lam', but it is usually discernible by context.

Lam vs. Lamb in a nutshell

To summarize, lam is a verb meaning to run away quickly, while lamb is a noun depicting either a young sheep or the meat derived from it. Their spellings and pronunciations are very similar, but the contexts in which they are used are widely different — one belonging to colloquial speech related to escape, and the other to agriculture or cuisine. Understanding the difference is key in using them correctly.

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