Lessen vs. Lesson: What's the Difference?

While lessen and lesson may sound similar, they hold quite different meanings. Lessen is a verb that means to make something smaller or less in amount, degree, or size. Conversely, lesson is a noun that refers to a period of learning or teaching. Lessen often relates to reduction or decrease, whereas lesson involves learning or instruction.

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Lessen vs. Lesson

How do you use the word lessen in a sentence?

The word lessen is used to describe the action of making something smaller or less significant. You might use it to describe actions taken to reduce noise, workload, pain, or any other measurable quantity. This verb is also applicable when you want to discuss diminishing the impact or severity of a situation.
Examples of lessen in a sentence
  • Taking deep breaths can help to lessen anxiety during stressful situations.
  • The medicine should lessen the pain within thirty minutes.
  • By switching off unnecessary lights, we can lessen our electric bill.

How do you use the word lesson in a sentence?

The noun lesson is generally used in the context of teaching and learning. It is indicative of an instructional session in a classroom, or it could also refer metaphorically to an experience from which one has learned something valuable. Lesson represents a structured period where knowledge is imparted or acquired.
Examples of lesson in a sentence
  • I have a piano lesson scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.
  • The history lesson focused on the importance of the ancient trade routes.
  • That difficult project proved to be a valuable lesson in time management.

Lessen and lesson definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Lessen definition:
Lessen (verb): to make or become less; to decrease in size, amount, degree, or severity.

Lessen parts of speech:
  • As a verb: The company took measures to lessen its environmental impact.

Lessen pronunciation:
Lessen is pronounced as /ˈles.ən/.

Lesson definition:
Lesson (noun): a period of teaching or learning; an experience that serves as a guide for future conduct.

Lesson parts of speech:
  • As a noun: She learned an important lesson about trust.

Lesson pronunciation:
Lesson is pronounced as /ˈles.ən/, which is phonetically identical to 'lessen'.

Lessen vs. lesson in a nutshell

To summarize, lessen is a verb that means to decrease or reduce something, whether in size, amount, or impact. 'Lesson,' on the other hand, is a noun pertaining to a structured period of education, or it can represent a moral or practical piece of advice gained from an experience. Despite their similar pronunciations, their meanings and uses are distinct within the English language.

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