Mail vs. Male: What's the Difference?

The words mail and male are homophones, meaning they sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. Mail refers to letters, parcels, or packages that are transported through the postal system. Male is a gender classification for organisms that typically refers to the sex that can produce sperm or male gametes for reproduction.

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Mail vs. Male

How do you use the word mail in a sentence?

The word mail is commonly used when discussing the sending or receiving of letters, documents, and packages. It can serve as both a noun and a verb, referring to the items sent or the action of sending them through a postal service. It often appears in discussions related to shipping, postage, and communication.
Examples of mail in a sentence
  • I need to mail these invitations out by tomorrow to ensure they arrive on time.
  • She checked the mailbox eagerly, expecting important mail from the university.
  • The company's customer service department handles both email and snail mail inquiries.

How do you use the word male in a sentence?

Male is typically used as a noun or adjective to denote a person, animal, or plant's sex or gender-associated characteristics. When used as an adjective, it can describe attributes or items traditionally associated with men or boys. It's a fundamental term in discussions about gender, biology, and social structures.
Examples of male in a sentence
  • The zoo welcomed a new male gorilla to their primates' exhibit.
  • He is the only male in a family of four sisters.
  • Male actors dominated the leading roles in the action movie.

Mail and male definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Mail definition:
Mail is a system for physically transporting documents and other small packages, as well as a term describing the materials handled by this system. As a verb, it means to send something via the postal system.

Mail parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The volume of mail has increased since the holidays are approaching.
  • As a verb: Please mail this package to my brother's address.

Mail pronunciation:
Mail is pronounced /meɪl/, with the 'ai' sounding like the word 'day'.

Male definition:
Male refers to the sex that produces small, typically motile gametes, especially spermatozoa, with which a female may be fertilized or inseminated to produce offspring.

Male parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The study focused on the behavior of the male of the species.
  • As an adjective: There is a clear distinction between male and female bluebirds by their coloration.

Male pronunciation:
Male is pronounced /meɪl/, identical to mail, with the 'a' sound as in 'day'.

Mail vs. Male in a nutshell

Although mail and male sound the same, their meanings couldn't be more different. Mail is associated with the postal system and communication, either as a collection of sent items or the action of sending them. Male, on the other hand, defines a biological sex in species that use sexual reproduction. Understanding the context where each word applies will ensure clarity in communication despite their homophonic nature.

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