Main vs. Mane: What's the Difference?

The words main and mane are classic examples of English homophones: words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. Main is most commonly used as an adjective to denote the chief or primary thing in a group. On the other hand, mane is a noun that refers to the long hair on the neck of a horse, lion, or other animals.

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Main vs. Mane

How do you use the word main in a sentence?

The word main is used to refer to the most important or largest part of something. It is frequently used to describe the principal component of a system or the chief factor in a situation. When discussing topics, main can signify the primary subject or focus.
Examples of main in a sentence
  • The main reason for the event's success was the meticulous planning.
  • Please take the main road for a faster route to the city center.
  • Her main focus now is to improve her health.

How do you use the word mane in a sentence?

The word mane is used to describe the long, thick hair that grows from the neck of certain mammals, like horses and lions. It is typically mentioned when describing animals, their appearance, or when detailing characteristics specific to certain breeds or species.
Examples of mane in a sentence
  • The horse flicked its mane in the breeze as it galloped across the field.
  • She braided her horse's mane with ribbons for the parade.
  • The lion's thick mane was a sign of his maturity and strength.

Main and mane definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Main definition:
Main (adjective) - refers to the principal or most significant element, factor, or component in a group or series.

Main parts of speech:
  • As an adjective: The main attraction of the show drew a large crowd.

Main pronunciation:
Main is pronounced as /meɪn/, which rhymes with the words "rain" and "plane".

Mane definition:
Mane (noun) - the long, thick hair growing from the neck of a horse, lion, or other animals.

Mane parts of speech:
  • As a noun: A grooming brush is essential for keeping a horse's mane tidy.

Mane pronunciation:
Mane is pronounced as /meɪn/, identical in sound to the word "main," enabling the two words to be used in playful puns or confusions.

Main vs. mane in a nutshell

While main and mane share pronunciation, their uses are quite distinct. Main functions primarily as an adjective, establishing importance or centrality within a group or system. Mane, in contrast, is a noun that specifically refers to a unique feature of certain animals. Both words play different roles in language, each adding rich descriptive layers to English expression.

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