Marry vs. Merry: What's the Difference?

While marry and merry may sound similar, especially in certain dialects of English, they have entirely different meanings. Marry is a verb that refers to the formal union of two people, typically recognized by law, where they become partners in a personal relationship. On the other hand, merry is an adjective used to describe a cheerful and joyful state or atmosphere, often associated with celebrations or good spirits.

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Marry vs. Merry

How do you use the word marry in a sentence?

The word marry is primarily used when discussing the act of entering into a marriage. It is a verb that implies a legal or ceremonial commitment, and it is often discussed in the context of relationships, weddings, and partnership decisions.
Examples of marry in a sentence
  • After five years of dating, they finally decided to marry.
  • To marry into a royal family requires understanding of royal protocols.
  • They plan to marry next summer in a beautiful countryside ceremony.

How do you use the word merry in a sentence?

The word merry is used to express happiness, joyfulness, or to describe festive occasions. As an adjective, it modifies nouns to convey a sense of lightheartedness and conviviality, often associated with holiday seasons or lively gatherings.
Examples of merry in a sentence
  • They wished everyone a merry Christmas filled with love and happiness.
  • The children played merry games at the birthday party.
  • Her merry laughter could be heard across the room, lightening everyone's mood.

Marry and merry definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Marry definition:
Marry (verb): To enter into a legal or religious contract with someone else to establish a partnership typically known as marriage.

Marry parts of speech:
  • As a verb: They are planning to marry in June.

Marry pronunciation:
Marry is pronounced as /ˈmæri/.

Merry definition:
Merry (adjective): Cheerful, jolly, or characterized by festivity and rejoicing.

Merry parts of speech:
  • As an adjective: The hall was decked with merry decorations for the holiday party.

Merry pronunciation:
Merry is pronounced as /ˈmɛri/.

Marry vs. merry in a nutshell

The difference between marry and merry lies in their usage and meaning. Marry is a verb describing the act of becoming legally committed to another person through marriage, while merry is an adjective describing a state of joyfulness or a festive atmosphere. While they may sound alike, their meanings and grammatical roles in a sentence are distinct.

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