Material vs. Materiel: What's the Difference?

The terms material and materiel are often confused due to their similar spelling, but they differ significantly in meaning. Material refers to the substance or substances out of which a thing is or can be made, encompassing a wide range of physical items, from fabric in clothing to steel in construction. In contrast, materiel relates specifically to military equipment and supplies, emphasizing the tools and items needed to perform a specific function or complete a task within martial contexts.

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Material vs. Materiel

How do you use the word material in a sentence?

You can use the word material when discussing resources, substances, or ingredients that are used to create or construct something. It is relevant in contexts such as fashion, where fabric is a key material, or in manufacturing, where different forms of raw materials are fundamental to production processes.
Examples of material in a sentence
  • The dressmaker carefully selected the best material for her new gown.
  • Sustainable building practices encourage the use of recycled material wherever possible.
  • During the science class, we examined the thermal conductivity of various materials.

How do you use the word materiel in a sentence?

Materiel is used when referring to military goods and equipment. These terms come into play during discussions about military logistics, inventory management, and when referring to the supplies and hardware that armed forces use for their operations.
Examples of materiel in a sentence
  • The infantry unit waited for the arrival of additional materiel before proceeding with the operation.
  • After the battle, the army assessed their materiel losses and prepared to resupply.
  • Logistical efficiency is vital for moving materiel to where it is most needed in a war zone.

Material and materiel definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Material definition:
Material is a noun referring to the elements, components, or substances from which something is made or can be made. It also functions as an adjective, meaning something is relevant or essential to the matter at hand.

Material parts of speech:
  • As a noun: They were impressed by the wide range of materials available at the craft store.
  • As an adjective: The lawyer argued that the witness's testimony was material to the case.

Material pronunciation:
Material is pronounced as /məˈtɪəriəl/. It's a three-syllable word with stress on the second syllable.

Materiel definition:
Materiel is a noun that specifically refers to military equipment, apparatus, and supplies. It is not commonly used outside the context of military or defense operations.

Materiel parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The general inspected the materiel to ensure it was ready for deployment.
  • Note: Materiel is exclusively a noun and is not used as other parts of speech.

Materiel pronunciation:
Materiel is pronounced as /məˈtɪəriəl/ or /maːtjeˈrjɛl/, depending on regional accents. It typically has a similar pronunciation to material, but with the possible distinction of a more French-influenced intonation.

Material vs. materiel in a nutshell

To sum up, material is a broader term used to denote any substance out of which something can be made, applicable in many contexts like manufacturing, construction, and arts. However, materiel exclusively denotes military equipment and supplies. Even though they are pronounced similarly, their usage is distinctly different, with material appearing as both a noun and adjective, and materiel serving solely as a noun. Understanding the context and specific usages of each term is key to deploying them correctly in speech and writing.

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