Medal vs. Metal: What's the Difference?

A medal is an award or decoration given as a form of recognition for an achievement, service, or distinction, often worn as a badge or presented on a ribbon. Conversely, metal refers to elements or compounds that are typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductile, with good electrical and thermal conductivity, such as iron, gold, or aluminum. Both terms are used in different contexts: medal in awards and achievements, and metal in physical sciences and manufacturing.

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Medal vs. Metal

How do you use the word medal in a sentence?

The word medal is primarily used to refer to a piece or plate of metal, often bearing an inscription or design, that is bestowed as a mark of honor. It is commonly used in the context of competitions, military awards, or to acknowledge significant contributions. In every use, medal carries a connotation of prestige and recognition.
Examples of medal in a sentence
  • She won a gold medal at the Olympic Games for her record-breaking performance.
  • The general was decorated with numerous medals for his extraordinary service to the country.
  • Each year, the most outstanding students receive a medal in recognition of their academic achievements.

How do you use the word metal in a sentence?

The word metal is used in association with elements and substances known for their conductive, malleable, and often reflective properties. Common in science, industry, and construction, metal is a term encompassing a wide range of materials used to make everything from electronics to buildings. In a sentence, metal usually refers to the material itself or its characteristic qualities.
Examples of metal in a sentence
  • The bridge is reinforced with steel, one of the strongest metals known to engineers.
  • Gold and silver are precious metals that have been used as currency for thousands of years.
  • They used a powerful electromagnet to separate metals from other materials in the recycling plant.

Medal and metal definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Medal definition:
A medal is a small, often round, piece of metal that is given as an award for an achievement, especially in sport, or used as a commemorative token.

Medal parts of speech:
  • Noun: She displayed her grandparent's wartime medals in a glass case.

Medal pronunciation:
Medal is pronounced as /ˈmɛd.əl/.

Metal definition:
Metal is a solid material that is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductile, with good conductivity for electricity and heat.

Metal parts of speech:
  • Noun: The hardware store sells sheets of metal for construction projects.

Metal pronunciation:
Metal is pronounced as /ˈmet.əl/.

Medal vs. Metal in a nutshell

While medal and metal might have similar spellings, their meanings are distinctly different. A medal is a symbol of honor and achievement, generally awarded in recognitive events. On the other hand, metal is a category of elements with specific physical and chemical properties, widely used in various industries. Understanding the context in which each term is used is key to using them accurately in communication.

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