Morn vs. Mourn: What's the Difference?

Understanding the distinction between morn and mourn is essential as they are homophones — words that sound alike but have different meanings. Morn refers to the morning time or the beginning of the day. In contrast, mourn is a verb that means to feel or express sorrow or grief, typically due to a loss or death.

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Morn vs. Mourn

How do you use the word morn in a sentence?

The word morn is most commonly used to describe the early hours of the day, especially as the sun rises. It can be used poetically or in a literary context to evoke a sense of freshness, newness, or the beginning of a period of time.
Examples of morn in a sentence
  • She loves to take walks at the crack of morn, when the air is still crisp.
  • The fishermen set out in the early morn to take advantage of the calm seas.
  • Poets often write about the beauty of the morn and its symbolization of hope.

How do you use the word mourn in a sentence?

The word mourn is used when expressing feelings of grief or sorrow, especially as a reaction to someone's death. It can involve crying, wearing of black, or other traditional expressions of mourning. It can also be used more broadly to denote a deep sense of loss or regret.
Examples of mourn in a sentence
  • The entire community came together to mourn the loss of their beloved mayor.
  • After the tragic accident, the family mourned in private, requesting no visitors during their time of grief.
  • Nature lovers mourn the destruction of the ancient forest that was cleared for a new highway.

Morn and mourn definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Morn definition:
Morn (noun): The time of day between midnight and noon, especially from sunrise until noon, early morning.

Morn parts of speech:
  • Noun: The birds sang in the morn, heralding a new day.

Morn pronunciation:
Morn /mɔrn/

Mourn definition:
Mourn (verb): To feel or express deep sorrow or regret, typically for the death of a person.

Mourn parts of speech:
  • Verb: They will mourn the passing of their cultural traditions if the modernization continues unchecked.

Mourn pronunciation:
Mourn /mɔrn/

Morn vs. mourn in a nutshell

Although morn and mourn sound identical, their meanings are quite distinct. Morn is a noun referring to the early part of the day, while mourn is a verb describing the action of expressing grief, especially for someone who has died. Proper usage of morn and mourn depends on the context, relating either to time of day or to an emotional response to loss.

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