Mucous vs. Mucus: What's the Difference?

The terms mucous and mucus are often used interchangeably, but they serve different linguistic functions. Mucous is an adjective that describes objects or tissues that produce or are covered in mucus, the slippery substance secreted by mucous membranes. Mucus is a noun referring to the actual gel-like substance itself, which helps protect and moisturize various parts of the body.

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Mucous vs. Mucus

How do you use the word mucous in a sentence?

Use the word mucous as an adjective to describe something related to, covered with, or producing mucus. It is often found in medical or biological contexts where it describes glands, membranes, or secretions associated with mucus. For instance, mucous surfaces are typically coated with mucus for protection or lubrication.
Examples of mucous in a sentence
  • The mucous membrane of the nose is responsible for filtering out foreign particles from the air.
  • During an infection, the mucous secretions can become more abundant and thicker.
  • To maintain respiratory health, it is important that the mucous linings of the airways function properly.

How do you use the word mucus in a sentence?

The word mucus is used as a noun to refer to the sticky, slippery substance secreted by mucous membranes. It plays a vital role in the body's defense mechanisms, trapping unwanted particles, and is commonly mentioned in the context of colds, allergies, or respiratory issues where its production or consistency might change.
Examples of mucus in a sentence
  • Coughing helps expel excess mucus from the lungs.
  • The presence of clear mucus is a normal part of a healthy respiratory system.
  • Drinking plenty of fluids can help thin mucus, making it easier to clear from the body.

Mucous and mucus definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Mucous definition:
Mucous is an adjective, used to describe cells or glands that secrete mucus, or surfaces that are covered with or contain mucus.

Mucous parts of speech:
  • As an adjective: The doctor explained that the mucous cells in the stomach lining help to protect it.

Mucous pronunciation:
Mucous is pronounced as /ˈmjuːkəs/.

Mucus definition:
Mucus is a noun that refers to the viscous, slippery secretion that is produced by and covers mucous membranes in the body.

Mucus parts of speech:
  • As a noun: When sick, you might produce a greater amount of mucus than usual.

Mucus pronunciation:
Mucus is pronounced as /ˈmjuːkəs/, identical to mucous.

Mucous vs. mucus in a nutshell

Understanding the distinction between mucous and mucus is key to using the terms correctly. Mucous serves as an adjective to describe something related to mucus, whereas mucus itself is the noun for the protective secretion found in the body. Both mucous and mucus are pronounced identically but are utilized in different grammatical contexts. Keep in mind the ‘ous’ in mucous links it to the 'ous' in 'adjective,' which can help in remembering its use.

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