Parish vs. Perish: What's the Difference?

The words parish and perish are classic examples of homophones, words that sound the same but have different meanings. A parish refers to a local church community or its district and is commonly associated with ecclesiastical jurisdiction. Meanwhile, perish means to die or come to an end, often used to describe the cessation of life, the destruction of objects, or the decline of ideas or institutions.

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Parish vs. Perish

How do you use the word parish in a sentence?

The term parish is typically used within the context of religious communities or administrative divisions. It is associated with a particular church and the community of believers that gather there. Also, it can be used in a broader sense to refer to a division within a church denomination or as part of certain administrative names.
Examples of parish in a sentence
  • She has been an active member of her local parish for decades.
  • The parish council met yesterday to discuss the upcoming charity event.
  • Historical records from the parish have provided insights into the town's development.

How do you use the word perish in a sentence?

The word perish is often used to describe death or destruction in a dramatic or poetic context. It can convey the idea of something ceasing to exist, whether it be life, material objects, or intangible concepts. The term is used to express urgency or emphasize the seriousness of a situation as well.
Examples of perish in a sentence
  • Without immediate medical attention, the patient could perish.
  • Many soldiers perish in battles for causes they believe in.
  • Families huddled together, hoping their memories wouldn’t perish in the wake of disaster.

Parish and perish definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Parish definition:
Parish (noun): A district with its own church and priest or pastor, serving the local community; also refers to the community of the churchgoers themselves.

Parish parts of speech:
  • Noun: They inaugurated the new community hall in the parish this weekend.
  • Noun: Our parish is participating in an interfaith dialogue next month.

Parish pronunciation:
Parish is pronounced as /ˈparɪʃ/.

Perish definition:
Perish (verb): To die, especially in a violent or sudden way; to degrade or decay; to disappear or come to an end.

Perish parts of speech:
  • Verb: Paper records perish over time without proper preservation.
  • Verb: The explorers knew they might perish if lost in the desert.

Perish pronunciation:
Perish is pronounced as /ˈperɪʃ/.

Parish vs. perish in a nutshell

Understanding the distinction between parish and perish is key to clear communication. Parish is a noun connected to religious communities and their neighborhoods, while perish is a verb that encapsulates the concept of death or end. Despite their similar pronunciation, the context in which they are used sets them far apart: one deals with a collective of faith and its jurisdiction, and the other with the cessation of life or existence.

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