Parlay vs. Parley: What's the Difference?

Though one letter apart, parlay and parley have entirely distinct meanings and uses. Parlay refers to increasing the value of something, especially using it as a stake in gambling or an investment to achieve further gains. On the other hand, parley is used to describe a negotiation between enemies or opponents, typically to discuss terms or find common ground to resolve conflict.

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Parlay vs. Parley

How do you use the word parlay in a sentence?

The term parlay is primarily used in the context of betting or investments, where one leverages their current assets to increase wealth or gains. It can also extend to situations where an individual takes advantage of an opportunity to advance in other areas, like a career.
Examples of parlay in a sentence
  • She managed to parlay her initial investment into a small fortune within a year.
  • His exceptional performance at the local tournament was his chance to parlay into the professional leagues.
  • He had a knack for parlaying casual meetings into promising business opportunities.

How do you use the word parley in a sentence?

The word parley is used when talking about a formal conversation or conference, especially between opposing sides in a dispute or at war. It can also be applied in a broader sense when any groups or individuals engage in discussions aimed at reaching an agreement.
Examples of parley in a sentence
  • The two countries sent delegates to parley and avert an impending conflict.
  • Despite their differences, the CEOs agreed to a private parley in hopes of striking a deal.
  • Historical accounts tell of pirates holding a parley to divide their plunder fairly among the crew.

Parlay and parley definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Parlay definition:
Parlay is a verb that means to turn an initial stake or winnings from a previous bet into (a greater amount) by gambling or investing it, or to use any asset or advantage to produce a desired outcome.

Parlay parts of speech:
  • Verb: She hoped to parlay her acting experience into a career in directing.

Parlay pronunciation:
Parlay is pronounced as /ˈpɑːrleɪ/.

Parley definition:
Parley is a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to a conference or discussion, especially between enemies in a dispute or war. As a verb, it means to hold a parley or conference.

Parley parts of speech:
  • Noun: The parley between the rival gangs did not yield a peaceful resolution.
  • Verb: The army commanders agreed to parley at dawn.

Parley pronunciation:
Parley is pronounced as /ˈpɑːrli/.

Parlay vs. parley in a nutshell

To recap, parlay is a verb that usually relates to betting, investments, or leveraging advantages for further success. In contrast, 'parley,' which can serve as both a noun and a verb, involves discussions or negotiations often held during conflicts to reach an agreement. Understanding the context in which these terms are used will ensure clear and effective communication.

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