Peak vs. Peek: What's the Difference?

Peak and peek are common English words that often cause confusion due to their identical pronunciation. Peak refers to the highest point or summit, typically of a mountain or as a metaphor for the highest level of achievement. Peek is a verb that means to glance or look quickly, especially through a narrow opening or from a hidden place. Understanding the context in which each word is used ensures clear and accurate communication.

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Peak vs. Peek

How do you use the word peak in a sentence?

Use the word peak as a noun to denote the highest point or maximum level of something. It conveys a sense of reaching the very top, be it a physical location like a mountain or a metaphorical level such as peak performance. Peak can also be used as a verb to describe something reaching its highest or most important state.
Examples of peak in a sentence
  • The mountaineers celebrated as they reached the peak of the highest mountain in the range.
  • During the 1980s, the artist's career hit its peak, with numerous chart-topping hits.
  • Demand for the product peaked during the holiday season, resulting in record-breaking sales.

How do you use the word peek in a sentence?

The word peek is most commonly used as a verb to describe a quick or secret look at something without being seen. It suggests a brief or subtle action, like glancing through a keyhole or opening a door slightly to look inside. Peek can convey curiosity or caution when trying to view something discreetly.
Examples of peek in a sentence
  • The children couldn't resist a peek at the presents hidden under the Christmas tree.
  • She peeked through the curtains to see if the guests had arrived.
  • Curious about the noise, he took a quick peek outside to investigate the commotion.

Peak and peek definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Peak definition:
As a noun, peak signifies the pointed top of a mountain or any similar highest point. As a verb, to peak means to reach a maximum in capacity, value, or activity.

Peak parts of speech:
  • Noun: The peak of the hill offered a stunning view of the sunset.
  • Verb: Interest in the television show peaked during the season finale.

Peak pronunciation:
The word peak is pronounced as /piːk/, rhyming with the words 'seek' and 'meek'.

Peek definition:
Peek, a verb, means to look at something quickly and furtively, often from a concealed location.

Peek parts of speech:
  • Verb: She peeked in the oven to see if the cookies were done without letting all the heat escape.
  • Verb (informal): He will peek into the daily operations to better understand the challenges faced by the team.

Peek pronunciation:
The verb peek is pronounced /piːk/, identical to peak, and is a homophone of 'pique'.

Peak vs. peek in a nutshell

Peak is used to denote the highest point, either literally or figuratively, and can function as both a noun and a verb. Peek relates to the act of looking quickly and often secretly at something, serving primarily as a verb. Understanding peak as an apex and peek as a stealthy glance helps to differentiate their meanings despite their similar pronunciation.

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