Pedal vs. Peddle: What's the Difference?

Pedal and peddle are often confused due to their similar pronunciation, but they have entirely different meanings. To pedal is to operate the foot levers of a bicycle, an organ, or other machinery. Conversely, to peddle means to sell goods or promote ideas, typically in a small-scale, informal manner.

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Pedal vs. Peddle

How do you use the word pedal in a sentence?

The word pedal is typically used as a verb to describe the action of operating a lever with one's foot. It's common in contexts related to cycling, playing certain musical instruments, or driving vehicles with a manual transmission.
Examples of pedal in a sentence
  • She started to pedal faster as the hill became steeper.
  • The organist's feet danced over the pedals to produce a majestic sound.
  • Pressing the clutch pedal, he shifted gears smoothly.

How do you use the word peddle in a sentence?

The word peddle is used as a verb when referring to the act of selling goods, especially door to door or on the street. It can also mean the widespread distribution of ideas, typically through informal channels.
Examples of peddle in a sentence
  • He used to peddle fruits and vegetables in the neighborhood.
  • She peddled her artwork at the local market every weekend.
  • The author peddled his controversial ideas through a series of blog posts.

Pedal and peddle definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Pedal definition:
Pedal, as a verb, means to push the pedals of a bicycle or machine with one’s feet. As a noun, it refers to a foot-operated lever or control for a vehicle, musical instrument, or other equipment.

Pedal parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The brake pedal in my car is too soft, making it difficult to stop quickly.
  • As a verb: When you pedal up that hill, make sure to keep a steady pace and breathe evenly.

Pedal pronunciation:
Pedal is pronounced as "/ˈped.l̩/", where the stress is on the first syllable, and the "/e/" has the short vowel sound as in "bed".

Peddle definition:
Peddle, as a verb, means to sell products or promote ideas typically in small quantities and often by traveling from place to place.

Peddle parts of speech:
  • As a verb: To make ends meet, she would peddle homemade jams at the farmer's market.
  • As a verb: Ever the opportunist, he started to peddle his insider knowledge to the highest bidder.

Peddle pronunciation:
Peddle is pronounced as "/ˈped.əl/", with the stress on the first syllable and a schwa sound in the second, similar to the "/əl/" in "battle".

Pedal vs. peddle in a nutshell

To sum up, pedal primarily involves an action performed with the foot, whether it’s riding a bike or operating machinery. In contrast, peddle is about selling or distributing something, usually on a small scale. Understanding the unique applications of each word ensures clear and precise communication.

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