Persecute vs. Prosecute: What's the Difference?

Understanding the distinction between persecute and prosecute is vital as they relate to very different actions. Persecute is typically used to describe the act of harassing or oppressing someone, especially because of their race, religion, or political beliefs. In contrast, prosecute refers to the legal process of charging someone with a crime and seeking to obtain a legal judgment against them.

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Persecute vs. Prosecute

How do you use the word persecute in a sentence?

Persecute is often used when discussing actions that unjustly target individuals or groups to cause distress or harm. You may use the term when talking about historical events, such as the persecution of certain groups during war, or to describe ongoing discrimination against marginalized communities.
Examples of persecute in a sentence
  • Activists are raising awareness about the government's efforts to persecute dissidents.
  • Throughout history, many groups have been persecuted for their beliefs or ethnicity.
  • She wrote a memoir detailing how her family was persecuted in their homeland.

How do you use the word prosecute in a sentence?

Prosecute is commonly used in legal contexts, referring to the action of officially charging someone with a crime and pursuing their conviction in court. It's usually the state or a legal representative who prosecutes the case against the defendant.
Examples of prosecute in a sentence
  • The district attorney decided to prosecute the case because of the compelling evidence.
  • Victims are hoping to see the offenders prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
  • After careful investigation, the authorities agreed to prosecute the corporate executives involved in the scandal.

Persecute and prosecute definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Persecute definition:
To persecute means to subject someone to hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of their race, political or religious beliefs.

Persecute parts of speech:
  • As a verb: The regime was known to systematically persecute those who opposed its rule.

Persecute pronunciation:
Persecute is pronounced as "/ˈpərsɪˌkjuːt/".

Prosecute definition:
To prosecute means to institute legal proceedings against a person or organization.

Prosecute parts of speech:
  • As a verb: The state will prosecute individuals found guilty of tax evasion.

Prosecute pronunciation:
Prosecute is pronounced as "/ˈprɒsɪˌkjuːt/".

Persecute vs. Prosecute in a nutshell

In essence, persecute is used when referring to unfair and cruel treatment directed at an individual or group, particularly for their beliefs or identity. On the other hand, prosecute is a legal term used when someone is formally charged with a crime and brought to court. They have separate connotations and are used in distinctly different situations: one describes a discriminatory action, while the other a judicial procedure.

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