Populace vs. Populous: What's the Difference?

Populace and populous both relate to the subject of people within a particular area, but their uses are distinctly different. The term populace refers to the people who live in a specific place, such as the inhabitants or community of a city or country. On the other hand, populous is an adjective that describes a place that has a large population or is densely inhabited.

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Populace vs. Populous

How do you use the word populace in a sentence?

Use the term populace when you want to refer to the general public or the inhabitants of a certain area. It is a noun that often relates to the collective people of a region, especially in discussions about social or political contexts.
Examples of populace in a sentence
  • The mayor addressed the concerns of the local populace during the town hall meeting.
  • Anthropologists studied the customs of the indigenous populace.
  • During the festival, the city's populace turned out in large numbers to celebrate.

How do you use the word populous in a sentence?

The word populous is an adjective used to describe areas with a high number of residents. It emphasizes the abundance of people living in a particular location, whether in cities, regions, or countries.
Examples of populous in a sentence
  • Tokyo is one of the most populous cities in the world.
  • The valley was once a populous center of ancient civilization.
  • The region has become increasingly populous over the past decade.

Populace and populous definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Populace definition:
The term populace is a noun that defines the people living in a particular country or area. It represents the residents or the masses, often used to discuss the collective inhabitants from a societal or demographic perspective.

Populace parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The populace was eager for the new policy changes that promised economic improvements.

Populace pronunciation:
The word 'populace' is pronounced as /ˈpɑpjələs/.

Populous definition:
Populous is an adjective meaning having a large population; densely populated. It relates to areas such as cities or countries that are full of people.

Populous parts of speech:
  • As an adjective: They decided to settle in a more populous area to enjoy a bustling community life.

Populous pronunciation:
The word 'populous' is pronounced as /ˈpɑpjələs/.

Populace vs. populous in a nutshell

Understanding the difference between populace and populous is key when talking about populations. Populace is a noun for the people living in a specific place, often used in socio-political contexts. Populous, by contrast, is an adjective describing a place with a high population density. Keeping these definitions in mind allows for precise communication about demographic topics.

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