Pray vs. Prey: What's the Difference?

The words pray and prey are classic examples of homophones: words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. Pray is a verb that means to make a request with earnestness or to address a prayer to God or another deity. In contrast, prey can function as both a noun and a verb, referring to an animal hunted for food by other animals or the act of hunting and killing other animals for food.

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Pray vs. Prey

How do you use the word pray in a sentence?

Use pray when talking about the act of communicating with a deity or expressing a hope or desire for something to happen. It often carries a spiritual or formal connotation. People may pray as part of religious observance, or they might use pray informally to ask for something earnestly.
Examples of pray in a sentence
  • Every evening, they gather around the table to pray together before dinner.
  • I pray for your swift recovery and hope to see you well soon.
  • In times of uncertainty, many find comfort in the power of prayer.

How do you use the word prey in a sentence?

The term prey is used in the context of predation or vulnerability. When prey is a noun, it usually refers to the target of a predator. As a verb, it means to hunt and consume other organisms for sustenance. It can also metaphorically apply to individuals taking advantage of others.
Examples of prey in a sentence
  • The lion carefully stalked its prey through the tall grass.
  • Fraudsters often prey on the elderly, exploiting their trust and lack of tech savvy.
  • In the ocean, many smaller fish fall prey to larger predators.

Pray and prey definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Pray definition:
Pray (verb): To speak to God or a deity, to express hopes to a higher power, or to earnestly ask for something.

Pray parts of speech:
  • Verb: They pray every morning at the break of dawn.
  • Verb (used without an object): The children learn to pray for peace.

Pray pronunciation:
Pray: /preɪ/

Prey definition:
Prey (noun): An animal hunted and caught for food by a predator. Prey (verb): To hunt, victimize, or exploit others.

Prey parts of speech:
  • Noun: Hawks have keen eyesight that allows them to spot their prey from great distances.
  • Verb: Cybercriminals prey on users' lack of knowledge of security practices.

Prey pronunciation:
Prey: /preɪ/

Pray vs. Prey in a nutshell

To sum up, pray is a verb related to the act of spiritual communion or earnestly asking for something. Prey, on the other hand, can be used as both a noun and a verb, associated with an animal that is hunted or the act of hunting. While both share the same pronunciation, /preɪ/, their meanings are distinct and used in very different contexts, emphasizing the importance of being vigilant about word choice to ensure clarity in communication.

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