Price vs. Prize: What's the Difference?

Understanding the difference between price and prize is crucial for effective communication. The word price refers to the amount of money expected, required, or given in payment for something, essentially expressing value in monetary terms. On the other hand, prize denotes a reward given for victory or superiority in a contest or competition or for another outstanding achievement. Although similar in spelling, price and prize are used in contrasting contexts.

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Price vs. Prize

How do you use the word price in a sentence?

The word price is used to discuss the cost or value of goods and services. It commonly appears in contexts related to shopping, bargaining, and financial transactions. When discussing agreements or sales, mentioning the price is essential to ensure clarity regarding the monetary exchange required.
Examples of price in a sentence
  • The price of the laptop has dropped significantly since its release last year.
  • Can you tell me the price of these oranges per kilogram?
  • Negotiating the price is common in many markets around the world.

How do you use the word prize in a sentence?

The term prize often comes into play when discussing awards or honours earned through competition, talent, or effort. In contrast to price, which relates to commerce, prize is associated with recognition and achievement. Whether in sports, academics, or contests, discussions about prizes evoke a sense of triumph and reward.
Examples of prize in a sentence
  • She won first prize in the science fair with her innovative project.
  • The grand prize includes a trip to Paris for two.
  • The novel was awarded the prestigious literary prize last month.

Price and prize definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Price definition:
Price (noun) is the amount of money required to purchase something or the cost at which something is valued.

Price parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The price of accommodation in the city center can be quite high.
  • As a verb (used less commonly): The jeweler priced the necklace at $3,000.

Price pronunciation:
Price is pronounced as "/praɪs/", with a voiceless plosive 'p', a vibrant 'r', a long 'i', and a soft 's' sound, similar to 'ice'.

Prize definition:
Prize (noun) refers to something given as a reward to the winner of a competition or in recognition of an outstanding achievement.

Prize parts of speech:
  • As a noun: She received a prize for her exceptional performance.
  • As a verb: Many poets prize the beauty of succinct expression.

Prize pronunciation:
Prize is pronounced as "/praɪz/", with the only difference from 'price' being the voiced 'z' sound at the end instead of 's'.

Price vs. prize in a nutshell

In a nutshell, price is a monetary term indicating the cost of an item or service, specifically how much money one needs to pay for it. Prize, on the other hand, is associated with victory and success, symbolizing an award or recognition for an achievement. It's important not to confuse them despite their similar pronunciations, as their meanings and contexts of usage are distinctly different.

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