Raise vs. Rise: What's the Difference?

Raise and rise both involve movement upwards, but they are used in different contexts. Raise is a transitive verb that requires an object, meaning you raise something. Rise, on the other hand, is an intransitive verb that does not require an object; something rises by itself. Understanding this distinction is key to using them correctly.

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Raise vs. Rise

How do you use the word raise in a sentence?

Raise is used when you are actively lifting or increasing something. It requires an object to complete its meaning, such as raising a flag, raising a question, or raising the temperature. The word indicates an action that is done to something else.
Examples of raise in a sentence
  • She raised her hand to ask a question.
  • The company decided to raise salaries for all employees.
  • We need to raise awareness about the issue.

How do you use the word rise in a sentence?

Rise is used when something increases or moves upward by itself. Unlike raise, rise does not need an object to act upon. Examples include the sun rising in the morning or prices rising over time. It reflects a natural upward movement or increase.
Examples of rise in a sentence
  • The sun rises in the east every morning.
  • Prices are expected to rise during the holiday season.
  • He watched the balloon rise into the sky.

Raise and rise definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Raise definition:
Raise is a verb that means to lift or move something to a higher position or to increase the amount, level, or strength of something.

Raise parts of speech:
  • Verb: We need to raise the flag before the event begins.
  • Verb: The government plans to raise taxes next year.

Raise pronunciation:
Raise is pronounced as /reɪz/.

Rise definition:
Rise is a verb that means to move upward or to increase in number, size, or intensity.

Rise parts of speech:
  • Verb: The river levels rise after heavy rainfall.
  • Verb: Airplanes rise into the sky shortly after takeoff.

Rise pronunciation:
Rise is pronounced as /raɪz/.

Raise vs. rise in a nutshell

In summary, raise and rise may seem similar but differ in usage. Raise requires an object and reflects an active effort, while rise happens on its own without an object. Mastering their differences will help you express upward movement or increase with clarity and precision.

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