Remember vs. Remind: What's the Difference?

Remember and remind are both verbs that involve memory, but they function differently. Remember is used when someone is retrieving a memory or keeping information in their mind. On the other hand, remind means to cause someone to remember something, often by mentioning it to them or creating a prompt for recall.

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Remember vs. Remind

How do you use the word remember in a sentence?

Use remember when referring to the act of recalling past experiences or information without external prompts. It indicates a personal, internal process of bringing something back to mind. You'd typically use remember when recounting past events, maintaining awareness of commitments, or reflecting on knowledge.
Examples of remember in a sentence
  • I remember going to the beach with my family every summer as a child.
  • She always remembers to call her parents on Sundays.
  • Do you remember the name of that book you recommended?

How do you use the word remind in a sentence?

Use remind when someone or something is actively causing another person to remember. Typically, it involves a second party who provides a prompt or cue that triggers the memory process. This can take the form of verbal reminders, physical tokens, or other cues intended to assist memory.
Examples of remind in a sentence
  • The alarm on Paul's phone is set to remind him about the meeting.
  • The smell of cinnamon always reminds me of my grandmother's kitchen.
  • She put a sticky note on the door to remind her roommate to take out the trash.

Remember and remind definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Remember definition:
Remember (verb): to have or keep an image or idea in your mind of something or someone from the past; to think of an event or person from the past again; to not forget something.

Remember parts of speech:
  • Verb: I always remember to lock the door before I leave the house.

Remember pronunciation:
The word remember is pronounced as /rɪˈmɛmbər/.

Remind definition:
Remind (verb): to make someone think of something they have forgotten or might forget; to bring back to someone's attention; to cause to remember.

Remind parts of speech:
  • Verb: Can you remind me to pick up milk on my way home?

Remind pronunciation:
The word remind is pronounced as /rɪˈmaɪnd/.

Remember vs. remind in a nutshell

Remember and remind both deal with the concept of memory, yet their usage has distinct implications. Remember is an internal process of mental recall, while remind involves an external prompt to trigger memory. One is for self-recollection, whereas the other focuses on helping someone else to recall something. Understanding when to use each verb is essential for clear communication, especially when discussing memories or providing cues for action.

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