Residence vs. Residents: What's the Difference?

The word residence refers to the place where someone lives, such as a house or apartment. It's commonly used in legal, real estate, and personal contexts to denote the type of dwelling or its location. On the other hand, residents are the people who inhabit a particular residence or area. They could be the homeowners, tenants, or legal occupants of that space.

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Residence vs. Residents

How do you use the word residence in a sentence?

The term residence is typically used in contexts involving where one lives or is legally registered to live. It implies a certain permanence or intention to remain in a place and can refer to structures ranging from mansions to modest studios. When dealing with legal matters like taxes or voting, an official residence may need to be established.
Examples of residence in a sentence
  • Her main residence is in the city, but she also has a beach house for the summer.
  • The university offers on-campus residence halls for first-year students.
  • Please update your residence details on your driver's license after moving.

How do you use the word residents in a sentence?

The word residents is used when referring to individuals living in a specific location. It is plural, indicating that it is always talking about more than one person. Residents can be used in both formal and informal situations to describe those who occupy a dwelling, neighborhood, or city.
Examples of residents in a sentence
  • The residents of the apartment complex held a meeting about the new policy.
  • Local residents were concerned about the proposed construction project.
  • The fire department reminded residents to check their smoke detectors regularly.

Residence and residents definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Residence definition:
A residence is a place where someone lives. The term can encompass a variety of dwelling types and typically suggests a measure of permanence.

Residence parts of speech:
  • Noun: She has changed her residence four times in the past five years.

Residence pronunciation:
Residence is pronounced as /ˈrezɪdəns/.

Residents definition:
Residents are people who live in a particular locality or housing. The word specifically refers to all inhabitants of a residence or local area.

Residents parts of speech:
  • Noun (plural): The residents are responsible for following the community guidelines.

Residents pronunciation:
Residents is pronounced as /ˈrezɪdənts/.

Residence vs. residents in a nutshell

In summary, residence and residents encompass the world of living spaces and the people who inhabit them, respectively. Residence focuses on the housing aspect—it's the structure or abode, while residents refers to the group of individuals who make that place their home. Understanding the context and nuances of each term can greatly enhance your communication, particularly in topics of real estate, legal matters, and community life.

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