Scull vs. Skull: What's the Difference?

Scull and skull, while sounding similar, refer to entirely different objects. A scull is a type of oar designed for propelling boats, particularly in the sport of rowing. Alternatively, a skull is the bony structure that forms the head, enclosing the brain and supporting the face structures.

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Scull vs. Skull

How do you use the word scull in a sentence?

Scull is primarily used as a noun referring to a type of oar. It is often encountered in the context of rowing, where it denotes the small oar used by a single rower. Occasionally, it can also be a verb meaning to row with such oars. When using scull in a sentence, it connects with nautical activities or rowing sports.
Examples of scull in a sentence
  • She learned to scull at the local rowing club.
  • He has a collection of sculls hanging on the wall of his boathouse.
  • The athletes practiced sculling early in the morning on the tranquil lake.

How do you use the word skull in a sentence?

The word skull is used as a noun to refer to the framework of bone or cartilage that encloses the brain of a vertebrate. It is commonly used in medical, archaeological, and forensic contexts. Skull can also appear in idiomatic expressions or figurative language to indicate the head or mind of a person.
Examples of skull in a sentence
  • The X-ray showed a fracture in the patient's skull.
  • Archeologists discovered a well-preserved skull at the excavation site.
  • He's got a good head on his shoulders, but he needs to use his skull more effectively.

Scull and skull definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Scull definition:
A scull is a narrow, oar-like implement used especially in rowing a scull or other small boat.

Scull parts of speech:
  • Noun: The scull was stored next to the rowboat.
  • Verb: He prefers to scull rather than use a sweep oar.

Scull pronunciation:
Scull is pronounced as /skʌl/.

Skull definition:
A skull is the skeleton of the head of vertebrates, consisting of the braincase and jaws.

Skull parts of speech:
  • Noun: The museum exhibition featured a dinosaur skull.
  • Noun: She tapped her skull, indicating she had come up with a clever idea.

Skull pronunciation:
Skull is pronounced as /skʌl/, identical to scull.

Scull vs. Skull in a nutshell

Scull and skull may be homophones but have distinct meanings and contexts of use. A scull refers to an oar for propelling boats and can also be used as a verb in the context of rowing. Skull, on the other hand, refers to the bone structure of the head, important in medical and forensic sciences. Despite their similar pronunciations, these words carry very different implications.

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