Seam vs. Seem: What's the Difference?

Seam and seem are easily confused due to their similar spelling and pronunciation, yet they have distinct meanings. A seam refers to the line where two pieces of fabric are sewn together, commonly used in the context of clothing or textiles. In contrast, seem denotes the appearance or impression that something gives off, typically used in expressing opinions or observations.

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Seam vs. Seem

How do you use the word seam in a sentence?

Use seam when referring to the joint between two pieces of material, such as fabric, metal, or wood, that have been stitched or fused together. It's a term often associated with sewing, upholstery, and carpentry.
Examples of seam in a sentence
  • The new dress had a barely visible seam that ran along the side.
  • Repairing the torn seam of his jacket was harder than he expected.
  • The carpenter explained that the strength of the wood joint depended on a precise seam.

How do you use the word seem in a sentence?

The word seem is generally used to describe the way something appears or is perceived by others. It helps to convey an impression or a sense of something that might not be as it looks on the surface.
Examples of seem in a sentence
  • He didn't seem too pleased with the results of the meeting.
  • The exam questions seem harder than the ones we practiced.
  • It may seem like an unlikely solution, but it's worth a try.

Seam and seem definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Seam definition:
A seam is a line where two pieces of material are joined together, especially by sewing.

Seam parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The curtain's bottom seam has come undone.
  • As a verb (less common): The machine seams the sheets of metal efficiently.

Seam pronunciation:
Seam is pronounced as /siːm/.

Seem definition:
Seem is a verb that means to give the impression of being something or having a particular quality.

Seem parts of speech:
  • As a verb: She seems happy with her new job.
  • As a linking verb: The task seems impossible at first glance.

Seem pronunciation:
Seem is pronounced as /siːm/.

Seam vs. seem in a nutshell

While seam and seem share pronunciation, they serve distinctly different functions in language. Seam often appears as a noun describing a joint made by sewing or other means of joining two pieces of material. It can be a verb too, though less commonly. On the flip side, seem is a verb used to express impression or appearance, without any tangible connotation like that of a seam. Understanding these differences enhances clarity in communication, ensuring the precise expression of ideas.

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