Sink vs. Sync: What's the Difference?

Sink and sync are two terms that sound identical but have different meanings and uses. A sink, typically a noun, refers to a basin used for washing, commonly found in kitchens and bathrooms. Sync, an abbreviation of synchronize, is a verb meaning to harmonize or make consistent different sets of data or devices.

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Sink vs. Sync

How do you use the word sink in a sentence?

The term sink is typically used when referring to a plumbing fixture that holds water for washing hands, foods, dishes, and other items. As a transitive verb, it can also mean to cause something to become submerged in water or another liquid.
Examples of sink in a sentence
  • Please rinse those vegetables in the sink before chopping them.
  • The ship hit an iceberg and began to sink rapidly.
  • As the sun set, darkness began to sink over the city.

How do you use the word sync in a sentence?

The word sync is used when describing the process of making two or more elements operate at the same pace or match up correctly. It is often associated with technology, such as syncing devices to share data efficiently and securely.
Examples of sync in a sentence
  • I need to sync my phone contacts with my computer so I have all the information updated.
  • Our team stays in sync by having weekly planning meetings.
  • Make sure the video and audio are in sync before we finalize the edit.

Sink and sync definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Sink definition:
A sink is a fixed basin with a water supply and outflow pipe, used for washing hands, dishes, and other purposes.

Sink parts of speech:
  • Noun (object): The marble sink in our bathroom is quite elegant.
  • Verb (action): If you overload the boat with cargo, it might sink.

Sink pronunciation:

Sync definition:
Sync, short for synchronize, means to cause to operate or proceed at the same time and rate as something else.

Sync parts of speech:
  • Verb (action): You can sync your calendar with your email to receive updates.
  • Adjective (descriptive): The sync feature on this app is a real time-saver.

Sync pronunciation:

Sink vs. Sync in a nutshell

While sink and sync are homophones with identical pronunciations, their meanings are distinct. A sink is a basin used for washing, whereas sync is the process of harmonizing data across devices or systems. Choosing between sink and sync depends on whether you're discussing a plumbing fixture or the action of coordinating elements. Remembering this distinction can ensure clear and effective communication in both spoken and written contexts.

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