Sole vs. Soul: What's the Difference?

Understanding the difference between sole and soul is essential, as they are homophones with distinct meanings. Sole primarily refers to the bottom part of the foot or a shoe, or to being the only one of something. 'Soul,' on the other hand, refers to the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, often considered immortal. It can also describe the essence of a thing or its emotional or intellectual energy.

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Sole vs. Soul

How do you use the word sole in a sentence?

Use sole when referring to the single or only instance of something or when describing the bottom of a foot or shoe. This term can be applied in legal or personal contexts to denote exclusivity or in anatomical discussions regarding part of the body.
Examples of sole in a sentence
  • She was the sole survivor of the shipwreck, stranded on the island for weeks.
  • The soles of his boots were worn down after years of hiking rugged terrain.
  • As sole proprietor of her company, she makes all the major decisions.

How do you use the word soul in a sentence?

Use soul when speaking about the spiritual or emotional essence of a person or entity. It can denote depth of feeling or the central or integral part of something, especially with regards to identity or culture.
Examples of soul in a sentence
  • Many philosophies debate the existence of the soul and its role in human life.
  • The chef said that using fresh ingredients is the soul of his cooking.
  • She sings with such passion; you can really feel her soul in every performance.

Sole and soul definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Sole definition:
The term sole is a noun referring to the undersurface of a person's foot or the part of a shoe that touches the ground. It is also used as an adjective meaning single, unique, or belonging exclusively to one entity or individual.

Sole parts of speech:
  • As an adjective: He has sole responsibility for the outcome of the project.
  • As a noun: After walking all day, the sole of her foot was sore.

Sole pronunciation:
Sole is pronounced as /səʊl/.

Soul definition:
The word soul is a noun that signifies the spiritual or immaterial aspect of a human being or animal, which is often believed to be immortal. As a form of expression, it also refers to the emotional or intellectual energy or intensity, especially as revealed in a work of art or an artistic performance.

Soul parts of speech:
  • The soul as the essence: His kind words soothed her troubled soul.
  • Using soul to describe culture: Jazz is often considered the soul of American music.

Soul pronunciation:
Soul is pronounced as /səʊl/.

Sole vs. soul in a nutshell

While sole and soul sound identical, their meanings are entirely different. Sole can be a noun or adjective related to being the only one or the underside of a foot or shoe. Soul pertains to the spiritual or immaterial part of beings or their deep emotional character. Understanding the context and meaning is key to using these terms correctly, ensuring effective and precise communication.

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