Spade vs. Spayed: What's the Difference?

Understanding the difference between spade and spayed is essential to avoid confusion, as they are homophones with entirely separate meanings. A spade is a gardening tool with a broad, flat blade used for digging or cutting into the ground. On the other hand, spayed refers to the surgical procedure to remove the ovaries of a female animal to prevent breeding.

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Spade vs. Spayed

How do you use the word spade in a sentence?

The word spade is typically used as a noun referring to the hand tool used for digging. When using spade in a sentence, highlight its function as a tool in gardening, farming, or any activity that requires soil manipulation.
Examples of spade in a sentence
  • I grabbed a spade from the shed to turn over the soil in my garden.
  • Archaeologists use a spade with care not to damage any underlying artifacts.
  • The children used small spades to build their sandcastle at the beach.

How do you use the word spayed in a sentence?

The word spayed is a past-tense verb that pertains to veterinary surgery. When using spayed in a sentence, it usually involves topics related to pet care, animal population control, or responsible breeding practices.
Examples of spayed in a sentence
  • After adopting the cat, we had her spayed to prevent unwanted litters.
  • Our veterinarian advised that dogs are typically spayed before their first heat cycle.
  • The animal shelter has a policy to ensure all adopted pets are spayed or neutered.

Spade and spayed definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Spade definition:
A spade is a noun that denotes a tool used for digging or cutting into the ground, often used in gardening or outdoor labor.

Spade parts of speech:
  • As a noun: The garden shed holds several spades of various sizes.
  • As a verb (less common): He grabbed a stick and spaded small holes to plant the seeds.

Spade pronunciation:
Spade is pronounced as /speɪd/.

Spayed definition:
To be spayed means to have undergone the surgical procedure in which a female animal's reproductive organs are removed, often to prevent breeding.

Spayed parts of speech:
  • As a verb (past tense): The veterinarian spayed the stray dog that was rescued last week.
  • As an adjective (participle): The spayed female cat will not go into heat.

Spayed pronunciation:
Spayed is pronounced as /speɪd/, identical to 'spade'.

Spade vs. spayed in a nutshell

While spade and spayed are pronounced identically, they serve entirely different purposes. Spade is primarily a noun for a tool used in digging, but it may also function as a verb. 'Spayed,' however, is a verb related to animal surgery and is associated with responsible pet ownership. Knowing the context of each will ensure clear communication, especially in written form, where their homophonic nature is less apparent.

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