Stake vs. Steak: What's the Difference?

Stake and steak are homophones, words that sound alike but have different meanings. A stake refers to a strong stick or post that can be used for various purposes, such as supporting a plant or as a boundary marker. It can also refer to a personal investment in a matter, like having 'a stake in the company'. On the other hand, steak is a cut of meat, typically beef, which is often grilled or pan-fried and enjoyed as a savory dish.

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Stake vs. Steak

How do you use the word stake in a sentence?

The word stake is used to describe either a physical object used for support or marking or to indicate involvement and investment in an endeavor or situation. When referring to a physical object, stake can describe a post driven into the ground. In the context of investment, it signifies an interest or share in a financial venture or important situation.
Examples of stake in a sentence
  • She hammered the stake into the soil to support the growing tomato vines.
  • As a major shareholder, he holds a significant stake in the company.
  • They staked out a plot of land for their future home with wooden stakes.

How do you use the word steak in a sentence?

The word steak typically refers to a slice of meat, particularly beef, suitable for grilling or frying. When using steak in a sentence, it's often referred to as a food item on a menu, an ingredient in recipes, or a highlight of a meal. It's commonly associated with meals that are considered hearty and indulgent.
Examples of steak in a sentence
  • She ordered a medium-rare steak at the new steakhouse downtown.
  • He marinated the steak for hours to ensure it was flavorful and tender.
  • For dinner, we're having grilled vegetables and rib-eye steak.

Stake and steak definition, parts of speech, and pronunciation

Stake definition:
Stake (noun): A strong stick or post that is pointed on one end for driving into the ground as a marker or support. It also refers to a share or an interest in an enterprise or matter, especially one's financial involvement in a business.

Stake parts of speech:
  • Noun: He placed a stake at each corner of the garden.
  • Verb: They decided to stake their claim on the property by marking the boundary.

Stake pronunciation:
Stake is pronounced as /steɪk/, rhyming with 'make' or 'lake'.

Steak definition:
Steak (noun): A slice of meat cut from the fleshy part of a beef carcass or other animals, which can be cooked by grilling, frying, or broiling.

Steak parts of speech:
  • Noun: They had steak and potatoes for dinner last night.
  • Compound Noun: For my birthday, I'm craving a porterhouse steak.

Steak pronunciation:
Steak is also pronounced as /steɪk/, identical to 'stake'. Despite their identical pronunciation, they have different meanings.

Stake vs. steak in a nutshell

Stake and steak, while pronounced identically, couldn't be more different in meaning. A stake typically refers to a post or an interest in a business or affair, often used in contexts of support, claim, or investment. Steak, conversely, is always a culinary term, defining a cut of meat savored in various cuisines around the world. Remembering the context in which each word is used helps to easily distinguish between the two and avoid confusion in both writing and conversation.

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